Chapter One

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Oliver Camp, 17 years old, is not popular in school. People even barely talk to him. He has a few friends, only two. He's untidy, not good with fashion and needs a makeover. That easily turns off a girl. He's not really good with girls. He did like some girls but he doesn't have a girlfriend since birth. He usually plays video games, loves math and loves eating cheeseburgers. He'll do anything to have cheeseburger in his hand. He also wears glasses and that makes him look like a nerd. He gets bullied. A lot. He thinks he'll be successful when the leave school and the bullies will suffer for the rest of their lives. That's what he believes in. He has one sister named Danielle who's currently in college. He has almost everything. A complete family, a beautiful house, financial needs, and the things he wants, he has. But one thing he doesn't have is someone that will care for him, someone who he can be with when he's having a bad time, someone who can watch with him in the movies. You know what I mean. Moving on.

So this story starts off in high school. Oliver starts the day waking up on a Monday to get ready for school. Finished his homework cleverly. He goes to school and he enters the classroom. He sees his friends, Max Rider and Walter Danvers. The two best friends that won't leave him behind. The three of them have been bros ever since kindergarten. They call themselves the Three Muskeeters, the trinity of awesomeness, the Big Three. The best of friends. But the difference is Oliver is the odd one out. Walter plays football, Max plays basketball. Walter and Max both hate math. So it kinda looks like Walter and Max are the cool ones that are stars while Oliver is the one that is hiding in the shadows of their fame. That's a day in a life with Oliver Camp. There's this girl named Caroline Troy. Oliver's crush ever since first grade. She went to talk to Oliver.

"Hey, Oliver!"

"Hi!! Caroline, what's up? You need anything?"

"Yeah. So my boyfriend is asking if he can help him with the Math homework Professor Brown gave us."

"Oh. Sure."

"Thanks, Oliver! You rock!"

Seriously? That broke his heart. The girl that he loved ever since first grade. Talked to him and asking if her boyfriend can do his homework for him. Oliver had no chance but to do it. Meanwhile, Max Danvers now has a girlfriend. Beatrice Romanoff, an American-born Russian. She's cute though. Walter and his girlfriend, Anastasia Johnson have been in a relationship for a year now. Oliver can do is just be happy for the two of them. He's used to being forever alone. Every time Walter and Max are are their sport practices, he's alone either listening music on his iPod or surfing the internet. He's also a singer. He has a lot of awesome and beautiful covers on his SoundCloud. But what he needs is more exposure to the people. He needs to be more social and interact with a lot of people, meet new friends and hang out more often.

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