Part 2 - Love? = confused.

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Tsukishima's pov

It was about 1 hour, we've been studying.
He was paying attention glad he was since I won't teach him every again.

I then looked at him, who was drinking milk.
It was strawberry milk.
Rare to see him drinking that "hey king, we should finish it here."

The crow nodded and got up getting his books that was on the floor
I helped him, since it might take long

Third person POV:

The Moon and dark mountain finally finished getting the books .. then something unexpected happened

When they were picking up the books, the only thing left was the notebook

The two was about to pick it up, expected the two holds the notebook and looks at each other.

There, there's were all the feelings developed for kageyama.

Kageyama said "hey tsukishima, l-let go."

The Moon let go of the notebook and said "ok ok. There happy now king?"

Kageyama nods and waved "bye, see you tomorrow in practice i guess"

..kageyama hesitated to say "well its late now we should walk home, if you're willing to."

Tsukishima looks at the time "10:23 PM"

Tsukishima agreed, and sighed a bit.
Kageyama doesn't know what his thinking,  why would he invite the stinky tsukishima!?

Kageyama's POV

What's happening to me? Am i getting controlled??

if not, why am i getting flustered inside?! Don't tell me i have a crush on stink tsukishima!
I'm straight, like the team.

Few minutes later i waited for tsukishima since he was locking up the locker room.

I mumbled "am i now in a love story? But gay!?!??"

Tsukishima heard me mumbling, but ignored it. "Lets go king."

I nod, and both of us are walking together. OF COURSE WE ARE ITS NOT LIKE ME AND BOKE RACING!!

The atmosphere was so silent...... but i broke it "hey tsukishima, where do you live?"

Wait! I asked a very personal question "uhm, forget it-"

The blonde boy replied "just.. few blocks away."

I didn't expect him to answer but I replied "guess we are the same"

When me and tsukishima arrived infront of house

I then said "HA" the blonde was confused, he was gonna ask me whats wrong then i cut him off

"Me and my family just moved here, today. No way in hell you're my neighbor!!"

The blonde has his eyes widen he replied with "that's unbelievable!? No way."

The atmosphere was silent again, but then someone interrupted

"Kageyama! I see you outside, if you don't come in i'll drink all your milk!"

I was shocked, i then run in to my house, of course the voice was "MIWA KAGEYAMA"

The blonde was left confused, but just sighed and went in to his house

"NO WAY MIWA-NEE YOU AREN'T GETTING ANY MILK OF MINE! it already says my name on the milk!"

Tsukishima's POV

The Kageyama household is very noisy.
Who was the one who called king? Probably his mom or sister.

Akiteru called out a name, from his window "miwa! Lets hang out in my room"

Miwa? Is it someone from kings household?

"I'll be there akiteru, i'm talking with my brother. I'll bring the games!"

Oh, as expected. I knew it was kageyama's sister. I stretched for a bit and read a book

...then out of no where a idiot yelled my name, you already know him .

"I know we're neighbors king, but don't bother me."

The king sighed, and throw a fucking box at me, it was a small box


Kageyama laughed at me "pay back for being salty"

i sighed pissed and open the box it was a small keychain. Infact it was my favorite "strawberry shortcake keychain"

I looked at the king that was drinking milk, for bed. "What is this all about?"

Kageyama looked at me and said "i heard from my sister, you liked strawberry shortcakes. So i bought you a keychain. Happy early Christmas i guess"

I felt a fuzzy warm on my cheek but i brushed it off. "Thanks i guess"

Oi, Kei. What was all the blushing all about?
Don't tell me kei you like him.

I sighed and then put the keychain on my bag.
It looks nice

I looked at the king once again, he wasn't there.
I guess he slept..

I read the book i was reading earlier, i then hear akiteru calling my name downstairs "tsukishima! Would you mind getting me and a friend of mine some water."

I sighed and went downstairs to get some water. And then knocked on Akiteru's door

Kageyama's sister was infront of me "hey! Are you kageyama's teammate?"

I replied with a yes, and then looked in akiteru's room. I saw someone looking through his window. Who is that!?!?

Kageyama's sister got the water from me, and i looked closely who that was looking in akiteru's room

Oh goodness.
It was kageyama tobio glaring at my brother.
Wow, bet akiteru is getting the chills.

After that i went up to my room then finished the book it was again interesting.
I placed the book on my desk, then went to sleep.

To be continued.

Note from author-kun:
Sorry for the grammar. Hope you enjoyed this part 2

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 & 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯  | Tsukikage Where stories live. Discover now