Wind 3

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Just what the eff is this bastard doing?! I immediately turned my gaze into something else and I run away immediately. That sh*t!

"That was d*mn embarrassing and scary!" I mumbled to myself.

I took the train with a fast beating heart. I'm still embarassed. I need to calm myself up. I am already getting too emotional these days.

"Chant my baby!" As usual boss greeted me with her wittiness and I finished my work with also her wittiness. Just like my usual days.

I got home with my Grandma greeting me with her smile.

"I'm home Grandma."

"Yes welcome home. Is school and work hard today?" She asked while gently patting my head.

"Nah its the usual."

"Then that's good to hear. By the way dear your brother will be home next week."

"Next week? Isn't he supposed to be home next month?"

"Yes but he can't wait to see you again so he moved his schedule next week."

I sigh. He's a busy boy. That kid.

"Dinner is ready so go and wash up now."

"Ok, Grandma."


"So??" Jaylen is looking at me intently.

"I'll give it to you later."

"Why? You can give it to me right now you know." He shrugged so I glared at him.

"Not in the watch of your fangirls. They're gonna kill me if they saw me giving you this you know!"

"Pshh.. Fine." He said as he slouched down.

"Hey Jay let's go eat."

I sigh as I hear some of the girls silent scream and whispers. I looked at my side and saw one of the transferees at the door. A real definition of Tall, Dark and Handsome man. Jaylen immediately stands up and go with him.

As soon as the two left a loud screams of the girls echoed. Man they're too noisy and its starting to become too hot. I guess summer is coming.

As soon as the lunch break ends and everyone's focusing on returning to their desk I handed secretly the box of lemon cake to Jaylen.

"Thank You. I'll pay you back later." He whispered.

"No thanks. Think of it as my bribe to you to never come back to my work place ever again."

"That's harsh."

I stopped talking to him after I noticed some of the girls are staring at us then they whisper to each other.

Come to think of it the other transferee reminds me of someone I know from the past. That grey eyes or maybe I'm just hallucinating. Well he's not the only person who have grey eyes.


As soon as the class ended I immediately fixed my belongings  and headed towards the teacher's office to hand out the homework that I collected. I'm not actually the one in charged of it but my classmate who's supposed to be in charged of the homework is currently sick and absent so the teacher assigned it to me of all people. Going to the teacher's office is very exhausting. Its too far from my classroom.

As soon as I handed out all the papers I immediately exited the teacher's office.

As I walk through the hallway I realized how ill-fated I am. Walking infront of me is Jaylen with the two transferees.

"Yo Chant." I stared at Jaylen with his usual faint smile then I look at the two transferees one is smiling widely and one is just keeping a poker face. What a group of friends. A poker face, faint smile and smiling widely in short 3 stages of smiles.

"You need something?"



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