Me and bakugou decided to go on a date to the fanciest restaurant. It was so romantic... BUT THEN... BAKUGOU DIED AND DABI CAME OUT OF BAKUGOU... I was fooled... "Join the lov..." Dabi said. I was very tempted to.. but i declined. Dabi then stabbed me but i healed myself. He knew my secret..... "So... baba girl.. ;)))))))))" Dabi said hotly. I blushed and tried to shake away that feeling.. I know that villains are bad... but is it really.. "NO!" I yelled and then i ran out of the restaurant crying... Then i was approached by..
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"S-S-S-SSONIC!?" i stuttered while sharting every aggressively very cutely. "Hey i havent seen you in forever... are you ok?" Sonic said. "y-yeah..." I said. "I am always here for you sussy baka..." Sonic said. I smiled and thanked him and ran him over with my ford f-150. I went to my dorm and went to sleep. Suddenly deku woke me up at 3am. I screamed and he said "Hey im so sorry that i bullied you... wanna be friends???" And i rejected him like thw baddie i was. Then I woke up again and bakugou knocked on my door. But it was dabi again so i also ran him over with my ford f-150. Then i walked downstairs and Urakakkaka and Deku were fighting and deku killed urakakaka. I noticed bakugou was talking to kirishima and then he stared at me and walked up to me. "Hey you sussy baka... stop looking at me.. gr...." I cried and ran away sharting all over him. I ran to the rooftop and sang the fight song. "This is my fight song......" But then i heard clapping behind me. "EEK!" It was todoroki. "Wow... your so good at singing..." I blushed and said "t-t-t-t-t-t-t-th-t-ht-hthank you...." while stuttering. "Hey.. i have been secretly watching you.. and.. Will u merry me?" Todoroki said. "OMG... YES!!!!" Todoroki then out a ring on my finger and kissed me and we romantically jumped off the roof together and had 93204830943294823498204829048203489320 children. And thats the end of my story.