The meeting.

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Kaleb's pov:
Another meeting? Seriously they need to start warning us about them before they just send us a message...
I start walking to the staff room where they host all other meeting but along the way I encounter a young man.
'Sir? Are you lost?' I  asked the man in an instant.
'Ah, yes actually. I am looking for the staff room but I can't seem to find it, this map is far too confusing for me.' the mysterious man replied.
'Would you like me to help you? I know this place like the back of my hand' I fired back at him.
To my surprise he fired back 'Well if you do, then there would be some places missing considering the pores in your hand, unless you happen to know how many that is.'
I was stunned by his reply.
'I can't tell if you are a science teacher or a different kind of teacher' I told him. He laughed slightly at my reply, his laugh made me smile. His laugh was cute.
'You're funny' He said.
'Here, let me take you to the staff room' I replied, ignoring what he said and taking his hand, walking him to the staff room.
'So what's your name?' I asked him, avoiding the awkward silence.
'I'm Leo. A new English teacher.' He was louder than when I first met him, twenty seconds ago.
'My name is Kaleb. But you can just call me Mr. Woods.' I let go of his soft hand and opened the staff room door for him. He slightly blushed at me holding the door open.
'Thank you Kaleb.' he said to me, I smiled at him.
We would both walk in and sit at the large, circular table. There was only two seats left since everybody else was already there. We sat down next to eachother.
'Ah, Kaleb, I see you have already met Mr.
Hopeman' my boss said, staring at me.
'...who?' I replied confused, as Leo only told me his first name.
'I'm Mr. Hopeman' Leo said looking at me
I started blushing in embarrassment, 'oh yeah I have-..'
My boss continued talking about the new work, something, something, I wasn't really paying attention until he told me and Leo we were going to work together in class 213...

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