chapter one

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The link to the song that inspired me to write this


They were going back from a date at the mall but taekwang was too nervous which didn't go unnoticed by eunbi .
" what wrong ? Why are you so nervous ? "
" is it that obvious ? "
" hmm . what is it ? "
He sighed then turned to her
" I'll tell you when the time is right "
" okay . i won't press you just know that I'm here "
" thanks eunbi ah "

Just as they started walking towards his car which was parked a few feet away , all of sudden out of nowhere bullets started flying from opposite directions . sending everyone into a flurry of panic . taekwang  hurriedly pulled eunbi in direction of where his car was parked but a after a few strides he felt her pull her hand out of his . panicked , he looked back to find out why and saw her running to save a 6 year old girl standing in the middle of the road amidst the flying bullets .



I ran to save the crying girl but just as i reached her to take her away i heard taekwang's scream and then felt something liquid flowing down my back . i tried to save the girl despite the pain but before i could even move i saw him running towards me .



I felt her pull her hand and turned to see that she was running to save a small girl . my world stopped . was she stupid ? But then i remembered she is too kind . as i was thinking this i failed to see that she got shot .the next moment i saw a guy behind her about to shoot . i didn't see anything after that . saving her was the only thing on my mind . i didn't feel anything until i heard her scream my name as my body hit the road . only then did i register the pain of several bullets in my back . i saw her face contorted because of pain which made me forget mine and i asked her
" eunbi !! Are you okay ? "
And being who she was she said
" yes I'm okay taekwang but you're hurt "
And just as she finished saying that , she collapsed to the road right beside me . ignoring the pain i looked for her hand and held it while asking her to squeeze my hand if she was conscious . for a moment i panicked as i felt nothing but then she squeezed my hand . it was weak but it was there which made relief fall over me .



i tried to open my eyes looking for the girl as i heard sirens at distance finding out she was safe now with her mother . i turned my head . it hurt but i managed to turn to taekwang who was already looking at me holding my hand saying something the only words i managed to decipher were
" conscious , squeeze hand "
So did that and i saw him smiling slightly . the sirens were sounding nearer now and i was slowly getting my senses back . i weakly spoke his name
" taekwang ah "
" hmm " he replied groaning
" i love you "
He smiled and shook his head but winced then groaned out
" i love you more "
He then left my hand leaving me curious but a moment later he handed me something which made me gasp internally . i looked at him with questioning eyes . in return he smiled and gave a small nod . i couldn't help but cry . he intertwined our hands the ring in between our palms . my body started to hurt even more or was it that i couldn't ignore the pain anymore making me wince .
" it's okay . you can let go " he croaked out and i shed even more tears because even in this situation his top priority was me .
" i love you " i told him again and this time he only gave me a small smile . i looked into his eyes and felt my eyes fall shut .



i felt her hand lose its grip a few moments after her eyes fell shut . it made me shed tears and i thought maybe it was all because of me that she always ended up hurt . with those thoughts i felt my own eyes starting to droop . i tried to fight it but lost as i didn't have enough energy . i don't remember anything after that .


When he came to he ' miraculously ' didn't feel any pain and thought it was all just a nightmare for only to find her standing infront of with her hand stretched towards him . he got up with her help and noticed the sadness in her eyes .
" what's wrong eunbi ah ? "
She didn't say anything just looked to a particular direction . he followed her gaze and what he saw made him feel sad too but he couldn't do anything . they both felt helpless as they stared at their selves lying lifeless with their hands intertwined .

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