Chapter 2

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I was walking alone now, having dropped Lily off at daycare earlier, to my prison. Or what others called high school. Whoever said high school are a person's best years can stand in my place THEN tell me what they think of it. High school is the place where adults have the excuse to ditch us for half a day. They bundle hormonal, stereotypical, judgemental, high strung, narcissistic teenagers in one place creating a hierarchy. 

It is ordered by predators and prey. The lions are the athletes, jocks and cheerleaders. The cheetahs are the cool kids. The vultures are are the drama kids. And the gazelles are the nerds and geeks. Then there's me, the limp scrawny and slow meerkat. The prey that's the prey's snack. Last week a nerd jumped me and sent me as tribute for the jocks. 

I scowled at the thought and kicked a small mound of snow out of my way, not noticing a group of guys to my right on the other side of the street until I heard one of them yell something. Before I could register what was said something cold, slushy, and round hit me hard enough to sent me flying off my feet and to the ground. Of course that wasn't much compared to my measly 156 lbs. 

I groaned and rolled over to my side and took a sharp breath as cold snow went up my shirt in the process. "What the f-" "Hey Snowflake, we haven't seen you in a while, where ya been?". Basically what he meant was 'I missed my favorite punching bag.'. I scowled at nothing and stood up, about to walk away when to of the guys stepped in front of me. In total there were six. The wrestling team. "I'll ask you again, where ya been?". "Trying to avoid you." I said without thinking. I flinched when I felt a hand grip my shoulder and looked up seeing none other than Brian Skinner. There's a saying that if you mess with a Skinner, you get skinned alive. Do I think it's not true? Experience told me otherwise. 

Brian was well built for his age. He stood 6'4" against my 5'7 and weighed about 220 lbs of muscle. He was actually good looking, no, handsome with his dark green eyes and sandy blonde hair, perfectly straight and white teeth seemingly whiter against his slight tan, which was rare here at Alaska's border to Canada. In a word, he was perfect. I would drool at the sight of him if it wasn't for the fact he was a complete jerk. Yah, that's right. I'm gay and proud. As fruity as every flavor in a Skittles bag. "Snowflake, apparently you aren't in a, clear state of mind. Normally, a you chase after them. You never have them.". I already caught his drift and blushed beat red. 

I may be 16 year old boy but I don't think like one. Even the mention of kissing gets me shy. I've never even held anyone's hand besides Lily's. "My name isn't Snowflake! It's Sno!" I said and yanked my shoulder away, gripping the strap of my Kingdom Hearts tote bag tightly while keeping my head low. Before I could make my escape my arm was grabbed roughly and I looked up wide eyed at Brian. He smirked down at me and pulled me to him harshly. "Maybe we just need to cool you off.". 

I furrowed my eyebrows in thought, 'What is he talking about?'. "How about we go get you a quick swim.". My eyes grew large. They wanted to shove me in a lake! I. Struggled more only for it to be in vain. I couldn't swim, I would sink and drown in a instant. And even if I manage to get to shore I would freeze to death. Tears pricked my eyes in fear, they don't usually go this far. "What's the matter? Afraid to get a little wet?" "Please! I can't swim!" "Let's see if you can float.". 

Next thing I knew something round and white hit Brian straight in his face, surprising both him and me, causing him to let me go, causing me to stumble back and fall to the the ground. I watched in shock and confusion as a flurry of snowballs came from seemingly nowhere, attacking the wrestling team. At the moment I couldn't tell what was what, having lost my glasses when I fell, so openly saw the blurry shapes of them trying to escape. I grabbed my glasses and put them on, and sat there mouth agape at the sight before me. If it wasn't so shocking I would have been laughing hysterically. 

The team were slipping and sliding comically as they tried to get their footing on a large and apparently very slick piece of ice underneath their feet. "I'll kill you Lake! You hear me! Kill you!" Brian shouted furiously at me, face red and angry, only for another snowball to hit him dead center in his face, causing him to loose balance and fall backwards. Apparently even when I do nothing it's my fault. Let me guess, I'm the reason for Holocaust too? I heard laughter, a guys definitely, coming from far off and looked around for the source. 

"When I get out of this not even god will be able tell if its you!". Right, time to run. I scrambled up and ran as fast as I could, ignoring the threats of Brian as I did. I didn't know how far I ran, only stopping when I tripped on a tree root. I fell front first to the ground, taking up a mouthful of snow as I did so. I pushed myself up and spat out the snow as I did. I got in a sitting position, and rested against the trunk of a tree panting, puffs of my air being seen in the cold. 'Who would help me?' I wondered and furrowed my eyebrows in question. 

I heard the laughter from before, except it was MUCH closer, like, right in front of me closer. I gasped and clutched my bag tightly to my chest and looked to see nothing around me. I swallowed and still heard the laughter, and called out "Uh, th-thanks for, um, helping me back there. I would have been in serious trouble if you hadn't done what you did.". I waited for a reply but didn't receive any, just the laughing quieting down to chuckling. 'I must be crazy.' I thought shaking my head and stood up. 

As I walked on I decided to say one more thing. I don't know why I did, maybe to see if I'd get a reply other than laughing. "I see why your laughing, it was really funny.". No reply. Not even chuckling. Just pure silence. As if there really wasn't anyone laughing. Maybe I was going crazy? I couldn't be, I heard it loud and clear. I shook my head and continued my way back to school. Maybe I could catch it before first bell. 


He was heard. He was heard laughing. He was HEARD. He even spoken to. TWICE. He needed to find out more about this person. Well, this is going to be fun.

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