19 The Golden Sand part two 

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Little village, little village what do you hide? Little village Who do you hide. little village, Little village nestled into the mountain side you cannot hide. Little village that tried to hide Some thing with two blue eyes. Little village, little village brave and bold did not know what their story holds. Little village, little village burnt down in a raid, The angel of death saved your warped flame. Little boy, little boy be brave your soul it's too much for your little frame. Little boy with the big soul cares too much for what he holds. Little boy brave and bold knows one day his story will be told. Little boy, little boy nestled in his brothers side does not know of the Little town. Somehow the story goes around?

When he wasn't getting every resource known to man, techno blade was teaching tommy to fight, not just to survive. self-preservation was something his little brother had scarce knowledge on.

"skeleton and do more damage than that Theseus" The pigman watched as the younger struggled to even get up, it was a site that techno had seen many times there was a fire in Tommy's eyes that was simply natural but yet his body couldn't keep up.

There was a part of tecno who wanted to help his brother up. Eventually Techno Blade left the runt to his own devices, deciding that the kid had enough for today.

That night was like any other.

Techno despite yelling at his little brother watched him sleep, if he didn't he wouldn't be able to focus.

The pink haired Man did not react to his other brother. "Techno I need to speak with you (techno did not move) in private" that had the blade moving a bit

Eventually they settled in one of the side rooms that rested in the jagged walls.

Techno hated how he was sentimental about this, he remembered when him and his brother, his twin, talk about things only they could understand about each other no one else could, not Wise old Philza, not determined Young Tommy... it was just them against the world it seemed! Before adventures before wars before a kingdom, before a daughter, before a death, before insanity when it was just them Young and as innocent as either of them could ever remember.

It has been a long time since the last techno couldn't remember, perhaps that is why he could not hear Wilbur's manipulation. They were brothers a blood, brothers of war One knew the melody the other knew the words...

The dynamic felt off Wilbur knew that techno was off of his game, Wilbur was standing in front of The exit, technos back was to the wall he was sitting down resting his arms on his knees lazily looking at Wilbur.

"tech, tech I know some thing happened. You've been different since your visit to the capital" Wilbur's voice was filled with worry for his brother.

Techno looked away not meeting the Eyes of his brother like he usually would. Wilbur squatted down in front of techno his face soft and caring and ready to listen to his brother who is hurting.

And like how techno has always observed others go under his brothers spell his lips parted in a shaky breath One than another he didn't know what to say first, someone died, I killed the wrong person, I fucked up?

"someone died... someone I never told you about" techno was on the verge of tears. The voices could've been screaming but all he heard was he's shaking pitiful breathing bouncing off the cavern's walls.

Wilbur sat down next to his brother his brain faltering for a moment because the last time he remembered his brother even close to tears was when they were little.

"oh tech, they must've been very important do you" (Wilbur tried to think of everyone he has met and people his brother has talked about, because techno has lost a lot of people but never has he been so hung up about it)

"I wish you could've met her Wilbur, she loved music just like you" The brunette stared at his brother who is staring back at him, his eyes held rekindling flame.

"Wilbur I had a daughter" techno let it sudden, Wilbur his mind raced but he did not let it show.
Wilbur was gentle not wanting the flame to be smothered he poked at the wrong way.

"what was she like?"

Techno laughed more like a snort. "she was like nothing I have ever known, Wilbur. Her name was is fuchsia, But we all called her pink. She had the most beautiful pink hair, probably better than my own. Pink had the most exquisite blood red eyes known to Man."

Wilbur reflected for a bit listening to his brother ramble about this daughter he never knew techno had, his brother sounded a little bit like himself gushing about his own son The only difference was his son was still alive.

"she's a smart as a whip. Pink always surprises me with how great she is at strategy. She loved music as a baby she wouldn't fall asleep if I didn't sing to her. Almost as clingy as Theseus (just like that the flame died) she was a Stubborn add him to"

Techno shifted A little bit away from Wilbur. "she even managed to find a way to sneak out of the castle. She wrote striders at the Crimson pier." Techno fiddled with the edge of his black cloak.

"you want to protect her" Wilbur said, beginning to light a cigarette that burned blue, He puffed on it for a moment. "but she was your daughter and knowing our family the younger they are the more... adventurous they tend to be"

Wilbur offered this cigarette to his brother. for a good bit of the night they sat there in the dirty blue smoke, two brothers vaguely reminded Techno of when they were rebellious teenagers, Little monsters.

Wilbur was talking about plans for Pog Topia before asking something "how she die?"

Techno Exhaled from his nose blue smoke curling around his features. "you know how I am will" technos casual but Wilbur could see vaguely his discomfort.

"The hell that mean?" Wilbur could vaguely senses answer but he didn't want to believe it his brother didn't seem the type.

Techno took a long drag of the cigarette before exhaling. "she betrayed me, Try to stab me then she tried to run" it felt like someone was dragging ice along Wilbur spine as he heard his brother say the last few words of the horrifying sentence "so I killed her"

Wilbur sat there trying to figure out if this was an imposter this isn't his brother? The warrior laughed, A bitter poisonous sound as he went on.

"Hell she hadn't stopped aging yet. I wonder how old she would've been when it happened she was a runt? A late bloomer maybe would've been like Theseus? So maybe it would've took another year or two, well we'll never know now"

Techno got up offering the cigarette to Wilbur when his brother didn't take it he simply sniffed it out underneath his boot.

"don't be so shocked will, you know how I feel about traders, you should know better than I, they can come from anywhere or anyone"

he walked away back to his sand...

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