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"Oi! Listen up! All of you over here now!" Uma yelled. The whole crew gathered around, wasting no time to listen to what she had to say.

"I found something during inspection today.." she started explaining. "And I'm quite upset, so whoever this better 'fess up right now or there will be consequences." There was an awkward silence and everybody looked confused, except for (y/n) Sparrow and Harry Hook, who were sending each other looks that screamed: 'What do we do?!' Uma, of course, noticed and pointed at them.

"You two," she called, beckoning them over. Harry stepped up first, (y/n) following just behind him. Well, more like he dragged her, she was brave except for when it came to Uma, even though they were good friends, when she was upset, hoo-boy. She would try to make herself as invisible as possible, having no plans for early passing.

"Heyyy cap'n," (y/n) said awkwardly, eyes darting from Harry back to Uma multiple times. "What's up?"

"You guys would happen to know who did this, would you?" Uma asked intimidatingly, which wasn't that hard. Harry and (Y/n) glanced at each other before both of them spoke up.

"It was her idea!" "It was his idea!" they both said at the same time.

"You found him!"

"But yeh kept him!"

"You hid him in the cargo!"

"Only cause yeh made 'im a little house out of the old boxes!"


Uma cut in between their banter. "Woah, woah, what are y'all talking about?" (Y/n) rose an eyebrow at her.

"The.." she began before she trailed off. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"This," Uma replied, holding up what used to be all of their training swords, now broken and bent up. "What are you talking about?"

"Uhh-" Sparrow started, but was cut off by a small bark and running footsteps. A black puppy came into view, running towards the two, (y/n) scooping it up before anyone else could.

"Henry!" she cooed, scratching the dog's head. "How'd you get out?" Gil walked into the room, pointing to Henry.

"I came down in the cargo to get some more rope, and I found that little guy in a wooden box house," he said to no one in particular, but everyone heard it nonetheless. "He's really adorable."

"Why is that-?" Uma asked, a stunned expression on her face.

"Oh yeahhhh," said (y/n), turning back to look at her friend. "Harry found him a couple of weeks ago, and we had to keep him here for now since I didn't want anything happening to him."

"An' she had ta convince her da' ta let him stay at their ship," Harry added.

"So you mean this whole time, there was an animal living temporarily in my ship...and I had no actual knowledge of this?" Uma replied, trying to wrap her mind around that fact, the others just shrugging their shoulders.

"You know what? Whatever," she muttered, rubbing her temples. "But you guys don't know who did this?" (Y/n) and Harry shook their heads, Uma taking a small huff, she would still have to find out who to murder for that.

"C'mon Harry," (y/n) called, waiting by the exit of the shop. "You've still gotta get the house."

"Coming luve," Harry answered, using one arm to hold Henry's homemade house and the other to hold all his other supplies under it. Uma watched her two friends exit, then turning back to the rest of the crew, immediately switching back into intimidation mode.

"Alright! I'm gonna ask one last time..."

~(The End!)~ 

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