Going home

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Nuke POV
The cops come in and put Ass Might in handcuffs "Toshinori Yagi, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Nuclear Enterprise CVN-65. You will face 3 years in prison along with having any diplomatic rights taken away." All of my tormentors and their parents look on in shock as I try not to start laughing. All Ass might can do is attempt to stare menacingly at Dad. Endevawhore speaks up "Montana, how much would I have to pay you to put my daughter Shoko into your sons harem?" Dad turns and looks at the flaming bastard "I don't know if your flames are clogging your ears or what but my son said that he would never love your daughter or any of her female friends so back off or I'll let Roon have something to kill." At this Momma Roon grins maniacally and pulls an axe out of a flap on Shrimpy. She starts spinning it around like a baton. She speaks up "I vill not allow anyvone who hurt mein sohn zu be near him!" At this, the flaming trash pile looks at her, and speaks "This is a discussion between men, do not interfere." At this Momma Roon gets really agitated. Mom speaks up, "Nezu, you might want to call the morgue and have them come and remove a flaming corpse." Uncle Nezu laughs, "Oh I already have. They were called the moment Roon and Bismarck entered through the roof. But I have a better idea. Since the flaming trash still thinks that being a hero means he has power to persuade others, why don't we take that away from him." At this Endeavor and his two crotch goblins pale, "Nezu, you can't take away my license, I have commendations from the prime minister praising me." Nezu grins, "Well he's been made aware about how you helped neglect the son of an ally so he has removed all commendations that tie him to anyone who nearly broke the Azur Alliance." With this, Nezu turns toward me,my family, my fiancé's and their parents "Everyone, I suggest that you leave before this situation gets worse." Dad nods and looks at my father-in-laws, "How about y'all come back to Azur Lane with us and then we can discuss how my daughter-in-laws can come and visit." At this Mr. Vermillion speaks up, "That's a great idea. Plus the girls can meet the rest of their mother-in-laws while Nuke takes his punishment." Mom speaks up, "That's a wonderful idea. How about we meet the docks in 2 hrs so you all can pack. Nuke, is there anything you need from their house?" I turn and look at my tormentors, and Izubitch is pleading with her eyes that I will say yes. "No mom, I never really had anything, only a couple of posters of you, dad and Illustrious." Mom nods and dad speaks up in with a snicker, "Son, did you have some immature thoughts about Illustrious?" I blush and nod, and he laughs "Illustrious is one of my wifes." At this I can feel my blush, "So I had immature thoughts about one of my moms?" Dad starts laughing "The look on your face is priceless, dont tell your momma Illustrious about it or she'll tease you about it." I nod and wit that I kiss my fiancé's "I will see all of you at the docks." Asia speaks up "Issei, would you like me to heal the scars that they gave you?" I look at her, "Asia, I don't want them healed, I want them to remain so that they can see that I don't need them. Plus my scars will serve as motivation to keep getting up no matter how I feel." She nods and Dad looks at me with pride, "That's my son, just like his mom, when I first met your mother, she had a habit of pushing herself, but your momma Belfast quickly broke her of that habit." At this mom slaps dad upside the head, "I thought that we had agreed never to talk about that." Dad grimaces and rubs his head "Everyone, let's get down to the docks." At this Shokabitch speaks up with a hopeful tone "Does that mean us too?" Mom replies "Hell no!!! If I even catch you bullies near my son, I won't hesitate to use my ultimate to hurt you." At this Shokabitch and my other female bullies start to cry and call out to me trying to apologize. I look at them "There is one way you can earn my forgiveness.." they look at me hopefully and Katsubitch speaks "How?" I smirk "Jump off a building and hope I forgive you in another life." (A/N I now this line is overused in abused izuku stories but I love it.) At this Momma Roon starts to laugh while Mom looks at me displeased, "Nuke that was uncalled for." I shrug, "Ehh, they told me the other day to do it in the hope of getting a quirk." At this Mom's eyes turn yellow "YOU BRATS SAID THAT TO MY SON!?!? THATS IT I DONT KNOW IF NUKE PLANS ON FORGIVING YOU BUT I WILL NOT!!!" All of my bullies plus their parents reel back in shock. After the outburst mom pulls dad out the door followed by momma Roon and momma Bismarck. I turn and looks at my fiancé's "I will see you in two hours. I'd send you the exact location but I'll just say you're going to be looking for several battleships and aircraft carriers." Akeno speaks up "Its alright Issei, but don't you think that they will be there?" I shrug, "if they are I can charge them with harassment and if they try anything else, I'll charge them with any additional charges." Akeno smiles and kisses me and skips over to her parents and they leave. The rest of my fiancé's do the same thing and I leave the auditorium passing an upset Ass Might as he is being led away in handcuffs.

Timeskip btyb Illustrious teasing Nuke

Mom, Dad, Mommas Roon and Bismarck and I are waiting at the docks in front of our boat forms, our selves? I'm still not sure what exactly to call them. I hear Roswiesse call out "Issei, we're here." My family and I turn and see my harem plus my in-laws approaching us. I then hear a voice I didn't want to hear also "Izu-kun we're here too!" I turn and see my bullies carrying packed bags as well. Endavawhore approaches Dad, "You will let these kids come too or else there will be trouble." At this Dad gives a signal to Momma Roon and she grins then lashes out with her axe and the flaming garbage pile falls away covering his face. "Arggh, you bitch!!! What the hell did you do?" He pulls his hands away from his face revealing a deep gash across one of his eyes and the face.

(A/N like this scar imagine that it looks Endeavor's scar from the High end nomu fight) Dad speaks up "Take that as a lesson, I could have had Roon take your life instead of your eye

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(A/N like this scar imagine that it looks Endeavor's scar from the High end nomu fight)
Dad speaks up "Take that as a lesson, I could have had Roon take your life instead of your eye. NOW PISS OFF!!!" At this statement, my tormentors and their parents run off and my family goes to board our ship-self's. My mother-in-laws board Mom's ship-self while my father-in-laws board Dad's ship-self, and my fiancé's and I board my ship-self. We move away from the docks as I spot Urarahoe, Izubitch, Shokabitch and Katsubitch working together in an attempt to board my ship-self. I aim one of my CIWS Phalanx at them and fire it at them

They fall back onto the ground as Mom calls to me over the radio, "What was that?" I reply "Some annoying people who can't get it through their thick skulls I don't want anything to do with them." Dad responds "If they don't stop bothering you. I'll have Nezu file a restraining order against them. Anyways, it should be a few days to home so get comfortable and don't make me a grandpa yet!!"

Next Chapters:
Home and punishment

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