WARNING: This chapter mentions the deaths of child characters. (That's all I got for right now.)
There was a chill in the air, but the warmth of the campfire was enough for the two four-year-old sisters, Satin and Chenille, who were happily playing a clapping game while their father cooked dinner in the RV. Before they could finish, however, they heard a strange noise. The girls hugged each other nervously as a large tarantapuff crept towards them.
“Try to stay quiet," Chenille whispered, but Satin instantly screamed in terror. The tarantapuff unleashed some silk and tried to pull them both in with it. They used their conjoined hair to grab a stump, but the spider kept pulling on them.
“Daddy, help!" Satin screeched. Their father stepped outside and noticed that his daughters were in danger. Desperate to save them, he ran up to the tarantapuff with nothing but a spatula and attempted to cut the silk. Fortunately, it worked and his daughters were free, but the spider was still hungry and fired again.
“Girls, run!" the dad shouted. Satin and Chenille could only watch as their father made the ultimate sacrifice...
Fifteen years later...
“Bad news, Queen Cyan," Sage said to the ruler of Ornery Grove. “The fluffleberry patch is bare again and we're running low on Gigglefruit."
“I was afraid of this," she sighed. At that moment, her Royal Advisor Angelica entered the room and Cyan put on her best smile. “Good morning, Angelica."
“Oh, Your Majesty," Angelica greeted sympathetically. “I take it you're frustrated."
“You have no idea," Cyan said. “I don't know what else to do about this food shortage."
“I'm not talking about the food shortage," Angelica replied, pointing out the window to a strange girl running out of an underground bunker near the oak tree palace with more clothes in her arms than on her body.
“Ugh, Branch! I'd kill him if he wasn't my son," the middle-aged queen groaned. “I wish he'd get serious with someone for once in his life, but he keeps saying he's too busy for that."
“Tell him to make time," Angelica suggested.
“I did, but he won't. He's as stubborn as his father in that way. At least Thorn was committed to me."
“You know, there is a way to solve both of these problems," Angelica pointed out as they sat down for tea. “In case you have forgotten, the Pop Trolls on the north side of the river have a predator issue. Children have become orphans and wives have become widows. They're willing to give anything in return for your help."
“I'm the one who read that letter to you," Cyan reminded her. “I'm aware they have plenty of food up in Pop Village, but my subjects aren't going to just welcome other Trolls from beyond the forest with open arms and the northern Trolls might not like how negative some of us can be."
“Do you also remember that the King there has a daughter not much younger than the prince?" Angelica asked. Cyan nodded. “She's going to be queen soon and she has yet to marry. The solution is simple. Your son and the king's daughter join together in matrimony and our two kingdoms may just begin to trust each other."
“I can't force my child to get married!" Cyan scoffed. “Let alone, to someone he hasn't even met."
“He's done worse with Trolls he barely knows," Angelica chuckled.
Cyan scowled. “I know what you're doing. It's not gonna work."
“Very well," the Royal Advisor said quietly, pulling a photo album out of her hair. “Since I nothing else to advise you on, I may as well show you photographs of my grandchildren. Nothing like the pitter-patter of little feet on the floor. In fact, Olga and Gully have a sixth one on the way."
Cyan sighed in defeat. “If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my study."
“Today, we mourn the loss of one of the younger members of our community," King Peppy announced to the rest of Pop Village. “Sundance was a sweet, intelligent little girl and wasn't afraid to put others before herself."
Princess Poppy looked over to see her friends, Satin and Chenille, attempting to comfort Sundance's mother and decided to join them.
“I'm really sorry, Jubilee," Poppy apologized. “I tried to save her from that Growl Beast. I really did try."
“I know you did, Princess Poppy," Jubilee muttered, wiping the tears from her eyes. “But I can't help but wonder... Who will lose their baby next?"
The reception dinner was rather quiet. The Trolls of Pop Village were normally cheerful, but when the predator attacks began fifteen years prior, it had been difficult to hold on to that happy feeling. Their friendships with Trolls from other music tribes helped, but sometimes, it just wasn't enough.
“Dude, look at the size of these shrimp cupcakes!" exclaimed Val Thundershock, a young Hard Rock Troll with bad manners. “When do we start calling them lobsters?"
“Now's not the time, sugar," whispered Holly Darlin', a friendly Country Western Troll. Everyone else glared at Val.
Far away from everyone else, Poppy sat alone by a pond. Her boyfriend, a calm and handsome Pop Troll named Creek, joined her with a glass of lemonade.
“It's okay, Poppy," he tried to reassure her. “You did everything you could to save that kid."
“I feel like it wasn't enough, though," she muttered. “It should've been me in that growler's jaws instead of her."
“Poppy, you don't mean that," Creek said. “If you got eaten, your kingdom would lose their future queen and they wouldn't have a ruler when your father dies. Your life has far more value."
“Creek, this is about much more than value!" Poppy yelled. Creek was taken aback. “Sorry, I just... I need to be alone."
“Okay," he replied, “but when you're ready, please come find me."
Once Creek left, Poppy got down on her knees and sobbed. Maybe it was wrong for her to wish it was her instead of Sundance, but knowing she couldn't save yet another child was too much weight for her to carry. She still had not recovered from the first child death she faced two years ago. It was a little boy named Curtis who had been snatched by a wingdingle. Creek gave her the worst advice and said that she should've been glad that he wasn't her child. Though he remained insensitive, Creek got better with his words but nothing ever made the pain leave.
“I don't know if anyone is out there," she prayed softly, “but if there is... please help me. I'll do anything to protect my people... Anything."
I'm not sure how many of you got this yet, but I really liked TiPoLover's story “Betrothed" on AO3. Unfortunately, it was discontinued, so I thought I'd try [and probably fail] to write something slightly similar, but without so many subplots and OCs I can never remember the names of. I will, however, throw in as many World Tour and TrollsTopia characters as possible, but none of my main OCs (y'know, Flower, Willow, and Ash) will be here. So don't expect this to last more than three chapters.
Until next time. ✨

Unconditional: A Broppy Story
FanfictionLong ago, the Pop Music Trolls were divided into two separate tribes on opposite sides of the river. For two centuries, the Trolls of the north lived happily and in harmony, even making friends with Trolls who liked different types of music. The Tro...