Chapter 4

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    In the early morning of the second day, it looked like a tender and cloudy sky. The sky hadn't been polished yet, and it felt a bit dim, like a balloon filled with water, as if the rain would spread all over the earth in the next second.

    At seven ten ten, Lu Qingzhou was awakened by the alarm clock. For the first second after opening his eyes, he subconsciously turned to the side and made a hug gesture, which made a lot of money.

    Today is also a day when Yu Lianqing is not by her side.

    Lu Qingzhou rubbed his eyes and got up.

    "Swipe." She opened the curtains and stretched towards the gloomy sky.

    On the first day of joining the group, the weather was bad, but I was very happy.

    After a set of procedures for washing and skin care, Lu Qingzhou put on a light makeup and dragged his suitcase to go out. Assistant Xiao Qin was already waiting in the living room downstairs.

    Lu Qingzhou went downstairs.

    "Sister, early." Xiao Qin tried her best to cheer up, but betrayed her unconscious voice.

    "Ha~ morning." Lu Qingzhou yawned.

    Influenced by her, Xiao Qin also made a yawn, but covered her mouth with her hand and stuffed it back.

    Lu Qingzhou: "What do you eat in the morning?"

    Xiao Qin: "Broiled beef noodles?"

    Lu Qingzhou: "I had hot pot last night. Give me a light meal."

    Xiao Qin took out his phone and pulled out a photo. The person in the photo is wearing a peaked cap and a scarf, wrapping herself up tightly. She wears a thick autumnal dress, which makes it hard to see how sacred she is.

    Tour boat clear: "? Who this". "I heard that sister is downstairs to eat beef noodles"

    tour boat pulled clear trot out the box, he urged: "hurry !!!"

    from the Qing boat trip home to the Arts The filming company only takes ten minutes by car.

    When the car arrived at the entrance of the noodle restaurant, Lu Qingzhou sat in the car to observe in secret and found that Yu Lianqing was sitting in a dark spot, eating beef noodles with her head down.

    There were a lot of people eating noodles in the morning, and there were other staff members sitting beside Yu Lianqing, passers-by were busy eating dinner and hurried to work, but they didn't notice her.

    "Xiao Qin, give me your thick coat." Xiao Qin took off her jacket, handed it to Lu Qingzhou, and handed her the scarf by the way.

    Lu Qingzhou wrapped herself tightly, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked to the entrance of the noodle shop with his long legs. The boss kept his eyes on her for a second, and asked enthusiastically: "Girl, do you want to eat noodles? One or two or two? "journey Qing Zhou, a finger than a" 1 ", then walked straight over glittering green that table ready to sit down.

    There were three people sitting at the table, one of whom was acquainted with Lu Qingzhou, and Yu Lianqing's assistant was a man. The other one, as if I saw it in the recording studio yesterday, is a young man in his twenties.

    Just as Lu Qingzhou was about to sit down next to the young man, the young man stretched out his hand to stop him, and said politely: "I'm sorry, there are people here."

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