Floor B6?

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Authors POV:

You stood in the elevator for about five minutes until you reached the floof "B6." This floor was... Stange. It looked like and abandoned town. Windows all boarded up, glass everywhere. You decided to walk around a bit. it felt like you were walking around for hours. 

After a while you found a... Crime scene? 

"What the hell happened here?"  You whispered yelled. While standing there you saw a little bird.

Readers POV:

When I was standing there a little birdie came up. "He's so cute!" When I said that I noticed he was hurt. "ah. Poor little guy. Here let me help you" I said walking towards him. He kept running away from me. "You don't need to be scared little guy. I'm here to help you!"

As I said that something stomped in front of me squishing the bird. Blood splatter all over me! When I looked behind me to see who squished the bird, I made eye contact with a man covered in bandages. He had blood all over his hoodie and he was holding a scythe. The scythe had some blood on it. 

Authors POV:

"I'll give you to the count of three to run! And once you do I'll cut you up!" The bandaged man said "One..."  "Two..." "Three!"  Before he was even counting you were gone.  He wasn't surprised that you ran away, but he couldn't believe how fast you were.

As you were running you found a room and ran in there. searching for anything to hide in, you found a cement box looking thing. You decided to hide in that. yeah it wasn't the best but it was something. After hiding for a bit you heard him walking towards the room. You knew it was him because you heard metal dragging across the wall.  

There you were sitting down in a box. The more you think about it, it looked more like a coffin then a box, You found that a little strange. 

The sound of metal dragging across the wall got louder and louder. soon it was right outside the box. "Where are you little bitch?" The bandage man said standing in front of the box. You covered your mouth trying to not scream. SWING! The bandaged man swung his scythe at the  box. "Mhh, guess they're not in there." He said picking up his scythe.  You sat there waiting until you knew he was gone. After you knew he was gone you got out of the box. "That was close." You whispered to yourself.

After walking for a while you found another elevatore. "Maybe this one will get me out of this place." You walked to the elevator  which only went one way again, and that was down. "I hope this is the way out at least." As you walked into the elevator you heard the bandaged man walking around.  gulp.

"Where the fuck are you?!" Before you could hear anymore the doors closed.  "Thank god." You thought to yourself.  About five minutes you arrived at the next floor. This floor was called B5. "I wonder if anyone is here." You were walking around for a good ten minutes but then you bumped into somebody.

Zack/Isaac Foster X Fem Reader. (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now