Chapter 11

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"What are you doing here? " Sanchez raised his eyebrows, looking directly straight in her eyes

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"What are you doing here? " Sanchez raised his eyebrows, looking directly straight in her eyes.

"Walking? Enjoying the breeze? " she answered.

He sighed. " So what did you find out? "

"What do you mean? "

"You know what I mean inspector, " Sanchez demanded.

Bernardo rolled her eyes. " I am looking for some evidence, talking to some people. "

"And who is this some people? " Sanchez asks, he doesn't want to believe his partner.

"The fishball and pares vendor, " Bernardo answered.

"Why would you talk to them and why would they talk to you? " he asks.

Bernardo's forehead wrinkled, her eyebrows furrowed and her lips formed a frown.

"You never eat at that kind of stalls, aren't you? "

"And why did you say that? "

"Well. You wouldn't ask that question if you knew how that scenario works. You know, while waiting for the fishball to cook or eating at a pares stall, you casually talk to the vendor. Well, not always, but casually talking to them is not uncommon. I love talking to them and eating their foods, " Bernardo explained.

"That's not important. What important are you tried to gather information alone, " he said.

"No. I did not. I went to the fishball vendor to eat, besides a lot of people wants to stroll in the park, feeling the cold breeze. "

Bernardo tried to deny everything.

"How about you why are you here? Don't tell me you are gathering information without your partner, sergeant? " Bernardo smirked. Sanchez did not answer, he looked at her like he's trying to read her mind.

"Fine, do you want to talk about work? " Bernardo asked the sergeant, she sits on the first bench she sees.

She sighed, it's pretty dark now and she can feel the cold wind. There are still some people walking, mostly couples, and some probably working night shifts.

"We probably should go home, " he said.

Bernardo sighed before speaking. " I just feel something like I am getting something. "

"I know, " Sanchez tried to smile.

Bernardo went to the station early, she sat at their office thinking about what happened that night

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Bernardo went to the station early, she sat at their office thinking about what happened that night. She feels troubled about the man, there is something about that guy.

She hasn't told her sergeant about what happened that night and he didn't force her to speak up for some reason.

"He still not here, " she whispered.
Waiting for the sergeant is something she never imagined, usually, he would pick her up in her house. It's just a habit for him, he said to her once. But this time he called and notified her that he would not pick her up today. She didn't ask why she knew that she does not have a right to raise a question.

She keeps thinking about the man, she thinks that he is probably always there. He seems to know something, and probably he saw the women before they went missing. Of course, she can speculate that because of his work, which is also just her speculation.

She stands up when the door opens and Sanchez entered the door, he does not look good.

"Are you okay? " Bernardo asked. She suddenly feels concerned.

"I'm fine. "

Sanchez went somewhere and he is still not sure if would tell her about that. He went to the former sergeant's house, he wanted to make sure that he is not the one who is doing these killings.

He doesn't want to admit that Bernardo is probably right. But unfortunately for them, the sergeant is gone, he just wanted to make sure that he is truly missing and he is.

He sighed. " I went to the former sergeant's home."

Bernardo looked at him, ready to listen.

"He's gone, his family doesn't know where he is. He is just gone, that's it and I am not sure if we can look for him now, especially we have a serial killer that we need to catch, " he explained.

"But what if he is..." Bernardo did not finish her sentence.

There are only two people she suspects, the weird man that she doesn't even know his name and this former sergeant that is gone missing.

And if it is the former sergeant it will be bad or worst, he is missing and it will be a problem for the law enforcement because the serial killer turns out to be one of them. That sucks, and it sucks for her and for everyone. She knows that, and she hated that.

But if it is the weird man all they have to do is to have evidence and catch him and it won't have a lot of damage to them. And everyone would love that.

"So what now? " she asked.

"Honestly? I don't know, " he answered.

She nodded.

Whoever that monster they really giving them a hard time. Or maybe they really become incompetent at some point. Bernardo knew there must be something they could find, just a little bit of something.

"Maybe, we really need to at least talk to the man. If he doesn't want to talk, then let's leave him. I am sure, they would not give us a warrant anyway, " she said.

"I guess. Let's try, " he replied.

Sanchez thought about it, they don't have a lot for them to move forward anyway. He would love to give her suggestion a chance. Who knows? Maybe he is their guy, they just need to talk to him.

"Really? You're going to listen to me? " Bernardo asked. She is shocked that he is actually listening to her, she feels like there is something wrong with him.

"Yes. I don't have a choice anyway. I think have to listen to my partner, " he answered without looking at her.

Bernardo smiled.

"Okay. First, we need to go back to that river, " she suggested.

"Why? "  Sanchez asked confused.

"We need to find where the body got thrown, I'm sure it is one of the barangay. Maybe it is a place where people rarely go? An abandoned place or just somewhere? " Bernardo explained while Sanchez listened carefully.

"Okay, then let's go to the river, " he said.

"Are you sure? " she asked.

"Yeah, I think we can go to that route, "  he said.


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