one shot tsukikage (aged up au 20/21 y/o

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Tobio put on his shoes while letting out a sigh
"Sigh" Tobio closed the door and began his walk, his nose was bright red and he could see his breath as he mumbled to himself " milk I'm just buying milk" he repeated " milk milk milk milk mil-" he was cut off by bumping into a tall figure "sorry" he says "oi watch where your going" Tobio stopped in his tracks as the voice sounded familiar "umm tsukishima is that you?" He said " yeah why are you out here so late at night" tsukishima says " I could say the same for you but I'm buying milk plus a midnight walk wouldn't hurt, what about you" "oh...well my brother was fighting with my mom so I decided to leave for awhile" "oh" kageyama said "well why don't you come get some milk with me then we can go back to my place" he said with a smile  "umm are you shore" tsukishima say rubbing his neck "yeah!" Tobio said, as they walked there hands would brush agents each others but they acted like it never happened, "ok what do you want" Tobio said while looking at the vending machine "nothing" tsukishima said "ok suit yourself" Tobio said, Tsukishima walked over to the stop sign, Tobio returned with his milk and a strawberry shortcake for him "here I thought you might like it" Tobio said while giving him the food, "oh thank you" kei said, they returned at Tobios house "here" Tobio said while handling him some pj's "thank you" he went to the bathroom to change, Tobio laid on his bed as he thought to himself "I can't believe I'm having a sleepover with my CRUSH jsjdbduxbrjz" tsukishima walked back into the room to see kageyama changing, he quickly shut the door and ran back into the bathroom  "sh!t why am I hard" he said to himself kageyama knocked on the door "umm tsukishima are you ok in there" he said through the door "yeah Im fine" kei said they sat down and watched a movie, kageyama made popcorn and got them drinks as they where watching a movie a kissing seen came on the screen they both got quiet and then tsukishima said "do you wanna try what there doing" kageyama was shocked tsukishima out of all people where saying that but without hesitation he said yes, it started with a kiss then more and more until there tongues where in each other's mouth's, they broke apart for air "omg" kageyama said "your knowim really hard right now but you could help with that" kei said, kageyama blushed and then   (Y'all it's 2:30 am rn I started this at 1am should I continue it?)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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