Angel On My Side

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"Stop being so ridiculous, Lucifer, nobody's going to believe you had anything to do with that," Chloe scoffs, bumping her hip against his as they walk down a deserted street back toward her car. Her informant passed her wrong information regarding the case they were working on, so they decide to head back to the precinct to discuss their next steps when suddenly, out of no where, they hear the squeal of tires. "What the Hell!" Chloe exclaims, turning to see a car careening towards them. Without thinking, Lucifer envelopes her in his embrace, tucks her head into his shoulder, throws his wings out, and flies over the car. The sound of screeching tires that echo down the deserted street is the only evidence they were almost run over by an old Ford Taurus.

Lucifer lands gently about a hundred feet from where the car, having slammed into a telephone pole, now sits, steaming in the cold night air. He knows he is going to have a lot of explaining to do, but first thing is first. He doesn't think the driver is out of commission, and that means Chloe could still be in danger. He sits a stunned Chloe on the edge of the sidewalk and jogs over to the car, trying to calm himself down before he confronts the human stain that just tried to kill them. The driver is still inside the car, trying to open the misshapen front door that jammed shut after the crash. Lucifer approaches the man, eyes ablaze. He slams his fist through the window, yanking the driver out of the car by his jacket. It's just a kid, he notices, still traumatized with teen age acne and unfortunate patches of facial hair, but Lucifer is too angry to be gentle with him. He throws the kid against the car, pinning him there with his body, and snarls, "What the Hell do you think you are doing, hmmm? You just tried to run us over you little cockroach. Had you harmed one hair on her head," he gestures towards Chloe, "it would have been the absolute last thing you ever did."

Lucifer's venomous tone raises the hair on the kids arms. He stares, terrified, at the man towering over him with red blazing eyes and a preternaturally low growl in his voice. He feels his feet leave the ground as the red eyed man lifts him by the nape of his shirt. He starts shaking his head quickly, swallowing hard to try to speak past the lump in his throat.

Lucifer shakes him a little, his anger simmering. "Did you act on your own or did somebody send you?" When the kid just stares at him in horror, Lucifer flashes his Devil face at him. "I asked you a question you little dung beetle. Did somebody hire you to run us over? I'm not a fan of killing humans, but for you I would make an exception." Lucifer's snarl, blazing eyes and Devil face makes the kid lose control of his bladder and bowels, and Lucifer drops him unceremoniously to the ground. He changes back to his human face and says, disgustedly, "You are, undoubtedly, a complete waste of space and you'll barely take up any in when you get to Hell." The kid looks up then, over Lucifers shoulder, and Lucifer turns to see Chloe standing behind him, shaking as the adrenaline slowly leaves her blood stream.

Chloe stopped walking when Lucifer dumped the kid on the ground, watching the kids face as he tracks Lucifer with a look of abject terror. What just happened? She believed they were about to be run over, then Lucifer tucked her against his shoulder, she felt like they were flying, and next thing she finds herself siting on the cold curb, watching her partner pull a teenager out of the car.

Distracted, Lucifer walks toward Chloe, noticing she's shaking. "Detective? Are you okay?" He sees her look over his shoulder at the kid on the ground, her eyes going wide. In a millisecond, he stands in front of her, wings thrown outward as the kid empties the revolver he's aiming at her. The bullets penetrate Lucifer's wings, his stomach, his legs and his left arm, and he drops to the ground, bleeding profusely.

"LUCIFER!" Chloe screams, dropping to her knees to try to determine where he's been hit. "No, no, no, no, NO! Hang in there partner, please. I'm right here, I'm here, stay with me," she babbles, hoping he can hear her. She strokes his face, grabs his hand, tries desperately to staunch the bleeding, but blood is coming from everywhere, and she quickly realizes she cannot help him. A movement in her peripheral vision focuses her attention for a moment on the shooter. Fury blooms in her chest, and she marches over to him, kicking him onto his stomach. She cuffs his hands behind his back, making sure the metal bites into his wrists, and turns back to her partner. She gets her phone out of her pocket, calling for an ambulance, and crouches next to Lucifer, gently stroking his face. "Please don't leave me, Lucifer, PLEASE!"

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