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Ruan Zeer tried to move his legs, figuring if Qi Youxuan was unwilling to get down from his legs despite his pleas, he would piss into the wind and drag the kid into the restaurant instead.

However, Ruan Zeer was not strong enough.

Ruan Zeer let out a heavy sigh. His niece was really heavy!

Motivated by the huge feast, the kid instantly climbed down Ruan Zeer’s leg and walked hand-in-hand with Ruan Zeer into the restaurant.

The table Ruan Zeer deliberately chose was inconspicuous but the entrance remained visible from that spot. Normally, the customers were unwilling to choose this table due to difficulty in getting the waiters’ attention and it would be extremely troublesome if they required assistance.

Ruan Zeer was lucky enough to have such a strategic location without prior reservation.

The waiter came over with a menu after the duo sat down. Ruan Zeer passed the menu directly to Qi Youxuan for him to choose the dishes while he stared out of the window.

After the child finished ordering dishes, Ruan Zeer asked the waiter for a bill straight away. That way, their actions would not be considered as dine-and-dash when they pretended to leave the restaurant later.

“Don’t clean the table if we leave the restaurant later. We’re just taking a stroll and will return for this meal afterward,” Ruan Zeer instructed.

“…” The waiter was dumbfounded.

Why did the waiter feel that these two were unreliable?

Ruan Zeer had at least paid for the meal, so the restaurant would not suffer any loss despite the unreliable sensation.

The dishes were served one after another momentarily. The kid reached out for a piece of fried chicken wing directly with his sinful and chubby hand and started chewing, smearing oil and crispy crumbs across his face.

“He’s here!” Ruan Zeer exclaimed before standing up.

One of Qi Youxuan’s hands grabbed the chicken wing he had earlier munched on while the other was held by Ruan Zeer as they walked out of the restaurant under Ruan Zeer’s calculation.

The kid was curious when they passed by Chang Zhiyuan at the best possible location at the entrance. He was unsure if this was a result of his uncle’s precise calculation as a mathematical genius.

The kid seized the opportunity and asked immediately, “Uncle, Uncle, tell me more about my grandpa. His name is Ruan Keyu, so what’s my grandma’s name?”

“I think her name is Chang Yuehuan if I remember correctly. To be honest, our family knows nothing much about my aunt, because my uncle didn’t speak much about this to my grandpa and parents. Her name is the only thing we know…” Ruan Zeer’s tone was soft and calm, with a unique melodious tone of a youngster that sounded pleasant to others.

Chang Zhiyuan froze immediately and turned to them, ignoring the latter half of Ruan Zeer’s statement.

“You… What did you say just now?” Chang Zhiyuan grabbed Ruan Zeer’s arm and asked in agitation.

Chang Zhiyuan could not describe his current mood. He only knew Ruan Keyu was his brother-in-law’s name, but Ruan Keyu’s other details remained a mystery to him.

It could be a coincidence if Ruan Keyu’s name was mentioned only, but how could Chang Zhiyuan explain when they could say Chang Yuehuan’s name correctly too?

Moreover, Chang Zhiyuan overheard a kid referring to Ruan Keyu as his grandfather clearly just now, but Chang Jingqiu was Ruan Keyu’s daughter and she did not even have a child.

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