Chapter 27:Option 3 3rd person:

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Tamura was looking for Yacchan. He had left his stuff at the club room. He was looking for Yacchan so he could tell him to tell Kashima something. Right on cue,they bumped into each other. “You bastard!” Yacchan yelled. “Oh i was just looking for you-“ Tamura got cut off with a slap across the face. “What the fuck is wrong you Tamura?! I know you were fucked up but leaving my cousin to get fucked by your club mates,that’s too much.” “That’s why I needed to talk to you about it. I need you to call Kashima now.” “Why?” “Because I need to talk to him and Akemi had us delete our numbers so we wouldn’t break the rules he made.” "Go fuck yourself Tamura." "Please,just call him." "What part of no don't you get?" Yacchan said as he walked away. Tamura followed him,trying to convince him. After a few minutesYacchan stopped. "Please stop following me or I'll break more of your ribs." "Just call him,two minutes is all it will take." They stared at each other. Yacchan sighed. "One minute is all you get then you have to leave me alone." Yacchan said,pulling his phone out. "Why is everyone blaming me when the rest of the club did it to him? All I did was leave him there which is still bad but why can't anyone give them shit?" "Because it's already happening. Toono's been avoiding the meetings and them. Well, except Jimmy,he's helping him do something with Yuri." "That's all?" "No he's been giving them shit by calling them names and shit like that." Yacchan said, handing him the phone. After a few rings,Kashima picked up. "Hey Kashima,how are you holding up?" Yacchan said,grabbing it back and putting it on speaker. "Way better than two weeks ago. What about you?" "Never better,listen don't hang up straight away just listen to him so he'll stop following me around." Yacchan handed Tamura the phone back. "Keep it on speaker." Yacchan said before talking two steps back. "Hey Kashima,please don't hang up straight away. I just wanna say I'm sorry I left you behind and I know that won't change the things that happened to you." Tamura said,hoping Kashima wouldn't hang up. Everything was silent for a while. Finally Kashima broke the silence. "I accept your apology since you are the only one that's apologised so far. But why did you leave me there?" Kashima said. "I couldn't be gangbanged by Akemi again. It was painful the first time around- ''''I think you're getting off topic Tamura." Yacchan said, butting in. "Right,but this doesn't mean I can fully forgive you. That might take some time." Kashima said. Tamura passed the phone back to Yacchan. Yacchan and Kashima said goodbye and hung up. "Why are you still here?" "I still need to do something else." "Like what?" "Talk to Toono." "Why?" "Because,he's the only one who's been serious about me having broken ribs." "Aren't they healed yet?" "Not yet." "Why should I continue to help you?" "I won't make fun of you anymore." "Really?" "I have been talking to you for weeks and not once have I called you a name." "Fine but you mess up with this one and I'll kick your ass all the way to he'll." Tamura nodded,then they headed to the cafeteria.

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