In Sync

318 13 1

"Donghyun!" Jimin's voice fills the house as he stomps in, Yoong on his right and a gun in his left hand. "Donghyun get the fuck down here!" He kicks a flower vase of a tiny table and moves to the living room to search for the man. "Come down here bitch!" He kicks the TV down.

He begin wrecking the house until the man scouted shows up.

"Who the fuck has the audacity to- oh." He stop when he spots the two.

"Oh would you look at that. My whore came back home. Missed me already?" He cockly steps towards him. Jimin wastes no time and stick a bullet to his right leg. Donghyun collapses to the floor and curses.

"Fuck! You'll regret this slut!" He groans and presses on his wound. Jimin moves to tower over him and shoots his right arm. His face blank. Yoongi stares in awe.

"Listen up, tiny bitch. You have made my life living hell and the shit stops today. When I finally finish you off, I hope you go burn in hell, oh wait I'm being too nice, hell is just to good for you." He bitterly spits while squaring down besides Donghyun. The man tries to weakly reach for Jimin but he dodges and slaps him with the gun.

"You're pathetic and weak. Pick on those below you. Now..." He moves to straddle him. " does it feel to be topped?" He tilts his head the side and smirks while removing his long hair over his shoulder with the metal on his left.

Yoongi bits his tongue as he watches the scene beginning to feel arousal creeping up on him even though it isn't the right time for it.

"Now, I'm going to put this here like so..." He shifts from Donghyun's pelvis to sit further down onto his knees. He the holds the gun to his crotch.

"Fuck! No no no no no." Donghyun tries to move but fails.

"Uh uh, I wasn't done speaking master." He traces the gun over his lips and brings it back to his previous position. "I'm going to count down from five to one and simple blow your dick off cause you've always seemed to not be able to control it." All the years of torment flash throught his eyes.


"No no please ugh."


"Jimin don't do this."

"Shut up. Three."

He moves to get up from the man.


Donghyun now weeps loudly.

"Minnie, are you sure you want to do this?" Yoongi questions, considering the possible traumas the boy might experience due to taking a human being's life. Jimin looks back at Yoongi with an impossibly innocent face.

"One." He turns back and blows Donghyun's dick off as promised and then his head.

The sound of Jimin releasing the gun cuts through the ringing sound that once dominated the home. His hand trembles as he turns to meet Yoongi's eyes. The boys stand parallel to each other and engage in a silent conversation. Jimin's plump lips let out small whimpers and his eyes produce a single tear drop.

'come here.'

The elder spreads his arms open. Jimin hurries into them and buries himself in his chest while releasing his frustration in the form of sobs. Yoongi closes his arms around him and slowly rocks from side to side tubing his back in a soothing pattern.

"Shhh. It's going to be okay. I'm here for you." He whispers and absentmindedly plants a kiss atop Jimin's head. He's taken back by his own actions but decides to push it away. He can worry about it later.

"We're here for you."


"W-we're back." His soft voice cause the others to jerk their heads in their direction. They had been worried sick and honestly, none of them thought they'd ever see Yoongi alive again.

"Minnie, Yoongi?" Taehyung moves up and runs to them, followed by the rest. They engulf the two in a big warm hug thankful to see them both alright.

"Relieved that you're both alright." Namjoon mumbles and the other nod in agreement. They stay there for a while and embrace the warmth of their bodies pressed together. A small part of his weight is lifted from Jimin's shoulders.

"I'm glad we're alright too." He mumbles back.

'i love you.'

Seven minds say in sync.

Seven hearts beat in sync.

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