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One Day Before Assignment

"Ms. (L/n), are you listening to me?"

Shooting your head up, you winced as you stared back into the eyes of the Headmistress of the Royal Interstellar Academy, Amelia Smollett, her green eyes narrowed at you. Her arms were crossed, black nails tapping against her arms as she glared. Ducking your head a bit, you replied to her apologetically.

"Yes, ma'am."

Her black brow raised itself, and she asked you as you seemed to sink straight into your seat.

"Is that so? Then tell me what attack maneuver would be used when engaging in combat with an enemy ship from an angle?"

Swallowing thickly, you looked down at your desk in thought as Elea, an Arcturian Valedictorian of the Academy, raised her hand and shook it insistently as Amelia awaited your answer. You then spoke as Amelia cleared her throat in expectance, tapping your pen against your desk in shyness.

"You would have to use the AMA Maneuver, which stands for Approach Maximum Aspect, as the best course of action. The maneuver gives a ship the most possible surface space to fire at the opposing enemy while giving the opportunity to defensively brace as well."

Elea audibly huffed as her hand came down to her lap, and Amelia nodded at you.

"That's correct. At least you're listening while sight-seeing, Ms. (L/n)."

Your ears began to burn in embarrassment, and you nodded as the woman turned around and began to teach and write on the board once more. Sighing softly to yourself, you scratched at your cheek before jolting as a crumpled piece of paper fell right onto your desk. Frowning, you opened it up to see some familiar messy handwriting and a doodle of what looked to be Elea with steam coming out of her ears.

'Looks like Elea didn't appreciate you stealing her thunder. Again.'

Jim. You rolled your eyes before glancing over at the human boy, his sky-blue eyes meeting your (e/c) eyes and giving you a goofy smile before he looked back at the board. Sticking his note into your folder, you couldn't help but smirk to yourself while slyly looking Elea's way.

While Elea was valedictorian and incredibly smart, the Arcturian was insufferable with her need-to-please attitude, her high class background that she constantly flaunted, and the high-and-mighty attitude that she always had.

While you and her were still freshmen in the Academy, you both had gotten off to an incredibly rocky start, and it had sparked a deep and wild rivalry between you two that seemed to never end. It wasn't lost on anybody in the Academy, not even the professors and officers,that you and Elea did not get along at all.

Despite coming from an incredibly poor background, you were also valedictorian in the Academy. Where you lacked in the more academic side of the coin, such as Topography/Cartography, you excelled the best in the more mechanical side of things. You were the best in your class in Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, and many other related courses that you had taken over the years being at the school.

Elea didn't enjoy sharing valedictorian with what she deemed as a 'space urchin,' but you really didn't care for what the alien had to say. After all, you had valedictorian for a reason as well, right?

As the last bell of the day rang, Amelia's ear twitched up, and she turned around, holding a hand up. Everyone stayed quiet and seated as the class awaited to hear what the Felinid had to say.

"Before I release you for you two-month break, I will be briefing you all on your End-of-Year exam. This exam is vital and will determine whether or not you and your teammate graduate from the Academy."

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