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Amanda tossed the rubber band ball in the air once again, sighing as she did so.

"We should Jump somewhere, Jess", she said, turning to her best friend who was steadily typing on his Macbook.

He had been typing on the thing for days. Amanda and Jessie, or Jess as she called him and Mandy as he called her, were both in their first year of college and Jessie, being the workaholic that he was, had signed up for about ten different classes and had a bajillion reports to write. Amanda, on the other hand, only took four classes, along with three extracurriculars. Jessie and Amanda were Portal Jumpers, meaning that they could open portals to any world or location. Unfortunately, with all the work that Jessie had been doing lately, they hadn't been able to jump for days, seeing as how they were only supposed to go together.

Jessie grumbled something about her never leaving him to work and turned around in his chair.

"You know I have a boatload of work to do", he said. "We can Jump in a few days".

"That's what you said a few days ago", she replied, getting annoyed. "Now, we are going to Jump to Astheria, it's a new place that James told me about. He says it's beautiful."

James was their trainer in Jumping when they were just starting out in the middle of highschool. They had been so immature and jumped to a world called Jacktron and ended up stuck there until James was able to get them. After that they had no problem listening to James and always took his advice seriously.

Amanda grabbed Jessie by the arms and pulled him out of his chair. He struggled for a minute but stopped when she slapped him on the back of the head.

"Seriously, Mandy, I'm not going. I have too much work to do," he said, rubbing the back of his head where she had slapped him.

She stopped walking down the hall that she was leading him down and whipped around so fast that he almost walked straight into her.

"You listen here, Jessie Pines, you are going to Astheria with me and you are going to forget about those stupid papers until we get back, is that understood?", she told him, firmly poking him in the chest.

His face visibly blanched as she told him this, because honestly, Mandy could be pretty scary when she wanted to get her way.

After a whole minute of silence Jessie finally nodded and went to grab his pack from the hall closet. Amanda smiled triumphantly and turned back around, walking into the living room and grabbing her own pack.

When they were ready they stood facing the wall of mirrors in their living room mentally preparing to make the Jump.

"You know the location, right?", Jessie asked. "Because I'm not getting stuck in some random world, okay?".

Amanda scoffed and said,"Of course I know the location, now come on, lets go". She held out her hand to him and when he took it she smiled and faced the mirrors. She stuck out three fingers on hand that wasn't holding Jessie's and swiped them over her chest saying, aschiertos, as she did so.

Immediately a pink and green swirling portal of light appeared in the glass of the mirror, a salty sea breeze blowing forth.

Jessie and Amanda stepped foward into the portal and swirled into pink and green nothingness.

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