Beat It

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Michael POV

My music video was released it is valentine day Aden is turning one soon I was so excited

Eveleigh POV

Michael new music video was released he did a good job and he's also excited that Aden is turning one soon I can't believe it he was growing so fast he's officially be one and by the way my due date is next year I was having another boy

Michael And Latoya came to the movie premiere of dream girls he loved them film

Next Day

Michael POV

I was making Aden laugh he was really cute and giggling today I can't believe he's turning one in June the time is flying by so fast

Eveleigh and Michael were planning his first birthday they were excited they couldn't believe he was turning one he was a big boy now

It has been joy for michael seeing his son grow up and now he's turning one

Eveleigh had an appointment today to check up on her son she knew she was another boy her instincts never lied to her she was happy to know that he was healthy and growing she couldn't wait to meet him

She began looking up names for him Aden was going to be a big brother soon

Eveleigh ended up falling asleep afterwards because she was so tired and just wanted sleep she will continue looking for names when she is up

An Hour Later

Eveleigh POV

I woke up wow I've been asleep for an hour now can't believe I've been asleep for that long oh well time to start back looking for names

Eveleigh: mmm Ross Isaiah Philips Williams

She decided to keep the name and let her mother decide if she likes the name for her second son ...her mother loved the name so much ...So she was going to go with that name instead she knew her mother would love the name

Eveleigh couldn't believe she was going to be a mother of two soon she'll always have her boys

She couldn't wait to see her son and smell him Aden was going to be a big brother

She couldn't wait to find out the due date of when her son was arriving she couldn't wait

Two Weeks Later

Eveleigh POV

I am at my baby appointment I am finding out the due date I was so excited

Her nurse walked in and they got started her baby boy was growing

Nurse: His Due Date Is August 23rd

Eveleigh: ok thank you

She was so excited her son will be here before you know it she didn't have that long and she was so excited about it She called and told her mother her due date ...So her son and her Grandma will share a birthday together which was wonderful news

Eveleigh POV

My son and my grandma will share a birthday that was wonderful news when I told her she was excited to be sharing a birthday with him mommy can't wait to see you baby boy me and your brother will be waiting for you

Aden was excited about meeting his baby brother he will have someone to play with after all even though he was only one

A Few Days Later

Eveleigh POV

I have been resting michael has been with Aden they have a wonderful time together but today is a family day so I decided to join him ....

Michael POV

Eveleigh has been resting but today she had the energy to come and spend time with us we are taking Aden to Disneyland today

They made it to Disneyland today was going to good day full of fun

Aden wanted to meet Mickey Mouse And Minnie Mouse ...Then he noticed Peter Pan

Michael took his picture with Peter Pan he was so cute Eveleigh noticed that Aden loved Peter Pan he was one of his favorite characters off of Disney

Michael Put Aden on a few rides Eveleigh took their picture michael was so happy as he was on the rides with Aden

Michael POV

Me and Aden are on the rides he was really cute these are memories I want to share with him forever as he gets older being his father has being the biggest gift and blessing in my life he means everything to me

Eveleigh POV

Me and michael took a family photo together these are memories that we all want to share forever with him as he gets older being a mother has been my biggest gift and honor Aden means everything to me we wouldn't trade this for anything in the world ever

They continued to get on rides and Eveleigh taking their pictures but now it was time for lunch

They came to sit down and came to eat lunch Aden got chicken on a stick his curls were showing

Eveleigh definitely ate because she was hungry and craving fried chicken as well so she knew her son was going to love fried chicken ...Aden was a fried chicken lover and now Ross was going to be a fried chicken lover

Eveleigh was going baby shopping today so she can finish Ross room so she won't have that much to do for when he arrives she was so excited and happy

Her mother was so excited about becoming a grandma again she already loved Aden and now she was going to love Ross just as much she couldn't wait to meet her grandson

Eveleigh Came To Sit down for a bit while Aden was playing around in the park with the other children He was having a good time laughing joking around just like any other child running around in the park or with their parents

There was a little girl who started crying because she got shoved ...Aden felt bad and gave her a flower she was so happy Eveleigh and michael thought that was very sweet of him to do that he made that little girls day

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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