Chapter 2 - Cupcake Lover

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The day went by and Zero walks into the pizzeria in time for her shift to start. She walked to the office, holding a bag of snacks like chips, some cookies, and cupcakes. Chica had saw the cupcakes and as soon as the bell chimed, she dashed for the office, Bonnie starting to go after her but Freddy holds him back. "Let her take the kill. Don't you dare intervine" he warns and Bonnie worries. She jumped in the office and startled Zero who just flipped her though ended up falling onto her in the process and the two look at each other, their faces slowly turning red from the position they were in and Zero got off Chica fairly quickly. "So sorry!" She apologized over and over and Chica just stared at her in awe. Zero looked at her and felt a bit flustered from all the staring. "Um.." she mumbles, snapping Chica out of her trance. 'Oh! I'm so sorry! It's just that... Bonnie was right about what he said about you. You really are very pretty." Chica says and this only caused Zero to be more flustered. "O-Oh! Um, thank you" she says shyly. "Can I have one by the way?" Chica asks, pointing toward the bag of snacks and specifically at the cupcakes. "Oh! Sure. Go right ahead." She says and hands her a cupcake and she eats it happily. Bonnie freed himself from Freddy's grip and ran toward the office. "Chica! Don't- hurt Zero..?" He says, being confused as he saw the two girls eating on snacks and chatting and doing each others hair. Zero looks at him and waves. "Hey, Bonnie. Care to join us?" She asks, holding up snacks. He smiles and joins their little fun, joking around and laughing with them. Soon enough the phone rang, it still being 12 AM. "Uhh, Hello, hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats! I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses. Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know... Uh... Interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often. I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so, hey, I guess that's one more reason not to run out of power, right? I-I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights. So if-if you can't find something, or someone, on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react... Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I'm not implying that. Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time. The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I guess he doesn't like being watched. I don't know. Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, talk to you soon." The calls ends and Zero yawns a bit. "Well no fucking duh to anything he just said. But what was he going on about the curtain thing?" She asks Chica and Bonnie. "Oh! That's Foxy. He doesn't really like being watched like the phone guy said but he is like Freddy. Really murderous. We won't let anything happen to you tho! You're our friend!" Bonnie says and hugs her and she hugs him back with a chuckle. Chica tries feeding Zero a cupcake to be cute but accidentally smushes it in Bonnie's face. Zero just laughs and Chica and Bonnie joined in too, a soft shade of red on their cheeks as they heard her laughing. Zero and Chica did each other's hair and Zero ended up doing Bonnie's hair too, brushing it out and making it into a nice long braid, which he enjoyed a lot more than his old messy ponytail. Freddy and Foxy noticed that there was still no sign of any killing and they started getting irritated with it. After awhile, the 6 AM bell chimed and Zero was sad to go but knew she'd see them again tomorrow and waved bye as she left. As Chica and Bonnie started to head back to their places, Foxy grabs them both and demands why they haven't done anything. "Freddy is sending me tomorrow so there better be a very good reason, you two!" Foxy snaps and Bonnie gulps while Chica puts her hands on her hips. "You'll just have to see for yourself since Freddy isn't obviously going to! Just one word for you to know: Pretty" she says before dragging Bonnie with her to the stage. Foxy looks at them in confusion and thought for a long time what that even meant. He thought about it almost all day but couldn't wrap it around what Chica meant by pretty.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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