"the Phantom"

396 7 4

December 6 Monday 1984
Normal POV
You guys were getting more calls than ever and you were getting more famous in fact we all made the front page of the New York Times. Venkman made everything worse by saying that we are open 7 days a week 24/7 I mean we need a break at some point. We were even on live TV everywhere we go someone's asking for a autograph from all the guys except for me. There was a guy that applied for a place in the Ghostbusters his name was Winston zeddemore, you and Janine are interviewing him

Winston's POV
I got up at 6 a.m. and I went to the job interview and I arrived around 7:36 and when I walked in I saw very sleep-deprived but pretty young woman at the front desk

Can I help you? She asked looking up at me

Umm yes I'm here for the job interview

Winston zeddemore? She smiled


Ok sweet face just let me get my partner and we'll get this interview started she smiled


OK IM ON MY WAY HUN! A lady said with a heavy New York accent

Here sit on the other side of my desk and my associate will be here soon she smiled again


Y/ns pov
Sorry it took so long I was making all of us coffee Janine said setting down a tray of coffee on the table

Hello my name is Janine I'm a receptionist around here Janine said sticking her hand out for him to shake

I'm Winston he said not failing to shoot her the brightest smile, while shaking her hand

Oh I'm so sorry I'm y/n I'm the weirdo around here I said shaking his hand

Okay so let's get this interview started do you believe in UFOs, astral projection, mental telepathy, e s p, clairvoyant, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness Monster or the theory of Atlantis? Janine said

Uhh if there's a steady paycheck in it I'll believe anything you say Winston chuckled

I love that positive attitude Winston

Why thank you he said smiling

*Ray and Peter walk in the door partially covered in slime*

Oh I got to get some sleep I'm dying here Ray said with a cigarette in his mouth

You don't look good Peter responded

I dont?

Well you didn't used to look like this Peter said lighting a cigarette

Here's tonight's worksheet Janine said handing Ray a paper

Oh great more free repeaters Ray said in annoyance

This is Winston zeddemore he's here about the job application

Beautiful your hired Ray stantz, Peter Venkman Ray said pointing at  himself and Peter

Normal POV
You, Ray and Janine showed Winston around, showed him how to use the proton packs, everything about ghosts and basically just showed him around and how to use everything. Everybody except for Peter was in the garage trying to figure out what was wrong with the ecto one siren because for some reason it wasn't working and then finally you and Egon both fixed it so then even turned up the radio and everyone was just hanging out. And then you got hushed everybody to see what song was on the radio (START THE SONG) and it was your love lifting me higher AKA the song that you and Egon always dance to

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