Chapter 2: The Beginning of the End

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I did not want to leave my room.

Sure, I looked absolutely spiffy in the suit I was wearing. I mean, I'd like to think that I tend to clean up well. But, once again...

The orchestra.

I would literally rather die than go to the orchestra.

I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to get myself together. All I could see was her hair, the same color as mine, her eyes, which sparkled when she smiled, her hands, delicate and kind. All I could see was her in myself.

Tonight was not going to be fun.

With a sigh, I pulled my gaze away from the mirror, straightened my bow tie, and headed out the door to meet the rest of my classmates. I was trying desperately to keep my breath even, to stay calm.

Honestly, I was trying not to have a mental breakdown.

I was the last of the students to make my way to the courtyard outside of the dorm rooms, Aizawa waiting there with that same dead look on his face. I should probably have felt a little guilty for making them wait, and I did, but mostly I felt nothing.

Mostly I felt numb.

My head was starting to hurt, a dull sensation pulsing in the back of my skull.

"Alright, class," Aizawa said, his eyes skimming over the crowd of fancily-clad students in front of him. "The bus is just outside. Before we head out, I would like to remind you to be on your absolute best behavior. How you act will reflect directly on our school, and I'd hate to have to explain how we got kicked out of a formal event to principal Nedzu. Remember, you're getting graded for this."

He sighed, as if bracing himself. He knew as well as the rest of us that, especially with this class, something was bound to go wrong.

"This should be an easy assignment and a relaxing field trip. Please don't fuck this up for me."

Ha. Relaxing field trip, huh?

"Alright, please follow me to the bus. Iida, please seat them as you see fit."

Iida straightened up, somehow even straighter than he was before, his hand coming up into a stiff salute. I vacantly wondered if standing like that all the time was hurting his spine.

"Yes sir!" he boomed, his voice strained and stern.  "We promise to all act in a manner befitting students at UA!"

The class looked at each other, their eyes all glowing with motivation, like they were about to go into some dangerous battle.

Honestly, knowing how this class could be, going to the orchestra was probably more of a challenge than any physical fight.

"Plus Ultra!"

A cheer went up among the students, but I just wasn't feeling it right then. I mean, obviously, but it felt kind of shitty not participating. I felt like I was letting them down somehow for missing the excitement.

Kirishima was looking at me again.

I ignored him as Iida led us to the bus, purposely making my way closer to the front of the line. He was worried about me, all of my friends were, but I couldn't deal with them right now. If they asked me what was going on right now I would break down, and I couldn't do that. Not in front of everyone, not when we were about to be graded for behavior.

Honestly, my grades were bad enough as they were.

Iida guided us onto the bus and into specific seats, pointing me to a place between Tokoyami and a wall. They both seemed surprised that I didn't comment on my placement, as I usually bothered our class president until he put me next to my friends.

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