Yeah, we kidnaped BTR. Problem?

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Veronica's Testimony

Hello. Should I be more exited for this documentary you are doing? Okay. Yey, or like you rushers say: WOOHOO. I'm so excited. See? I have joy on my soul and.... okay, who am I fooling? I'm only as excited to do this as Darth Vader was when he lost his arm. Anyways, the police aren't going to let me away anytime soon, so here it goes. 

I'm Veronica Swan, 17 years old and a retired kidnapper. Yes, I'm retired. Problem? Oh no? Your problem is with the 'kidnapper' part. Am i right? 

Okay... You didn't notice my name, right? Normal. It's difficult to be famous because i'm the daughter of such great kidnappers. Yes, that's right, I'm daughter of Lindsay and Thomas Swan, the same couple that already kidnapped Justin Bieber, Barack Obama and the Pope. That's right, man. I love my parents! (See? I'm excited now!)

Even though sometimes it means I'm in their shadow. Yeah, it sucks sometimes...but I'm okay with this. 

So, you are probably asking yourself: Why are you retired if you already had the gene, reputation and lifestyle? 

Well, because once I kidnapped a band...and let's just say it wasn't that nice. Of course I wasn't alone though. I had and well, still have a team. We are the six: Gregory Harper, Stephen Lawrence, Thames Lyra, Hannah Montana (just joking. Her last name is Harper- she's Greg's sis-What? Don't look at me like that, bad cop. You said to be more excited and here I'm.) , Morena Thompson and I. We have been a team since...forever? I mean...we all have kidnapper parents. Of course mines are the best, but theirs are good too... Nothing compared to mine, but fine. I mean...c'mon! My parents just ROCK! And the police will never get they caught me. I'm being arrested as a kidnapper now. Yey. Excited enough?

Kidnappers... Kidnap....This word is so exotic, right? And it doesn't make sense. We we're kidnappers and most of the times we 'kidnap' adults. Except once, we kidnapped children (Well guys who act like children). They were a group, also known as Big Time Rush. Yes, you can say whatever you want about their age, but I'm telling ya, man! Those boys were in the middle of their childhood! 

This is the story of how we kidnapped them, tried to fool them, were fooled by them, felt in love with the enemy, got retired and then were arrested.

What can I say? It's a busy life... But business is business. 

 Morena's Testimony

What? You want me to say 'hi' to the camera? Make me. Yeah, I'm not doing any freaking- what are you pointing to me? A gun? I'm SO scared of you! Oh God he is going to kill me. (Sarcasm mode on)

Okay, fine, I'll talk. But not for you or that ridiculous gun without bullets (yes, I took them when you weren't watching, idiot). I mean come on, i'm not stupid. I learned to be pretty sneaky in my recent profession.

 I'm doing this for James. That's it. Now shut the F up and let me talk. 

I'm Morena Thompson. Do you have any idea of what Morena means? It means 'brunette', and as you can see, I'm blonde. So we can all agree my parents were stupid.

Well, actually I didn't have parents. I know that in Veronica's testimony she said everyone there born with rich kidnapper parents. Just for your information, I was raised in Bronx streets, bro. While that 'bloody' British stayed home 'training', I almost died in the streets because my parents left me and went away one day. Yeah... Horrid, right?

Of course, Aunt Carmen made Bronx my home, but I almost died every day of my life. I love Veronica, but sometimes I think she has too much make up on her brain. 

Okay, you wanna know what I do in the group? I'm good in fights and controlling the person we took.  Lyra in the strategy one, Stephen is the hacker, Hannah is good with the talking, Greg has the contacts and Veronica releases the money.

Yeah, we kidnaped BTR. Problem?Where stories live. Discover now