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I woke up the next morning in a daze of confusion. I didn't remember what had happened the night before. After a few moments of trying to remember I finally did. The memories of the night before crashed down on my like a thousand bricks. The way I told matt I didn't like him in that way and the way I was so venerable, the way I finally broke down and who I broke down in front of was just to much. I couldn't believe I did that. I sat there staring at the ceiling for quite a while imagining different ways I could have handled last night. How I could have just sucked it up and not have cried, the way i could have told Matt the truth, but didn't. But maybe it's supposed to be this way. I mean there's probably a reason I didn't tell him. It was probably a sign from the gods telling me that now just isn't the time.

After a few more minutes I got up out of bed realizing that I should do something productive today instead of staying curled up in a ball looking at the ceiling for the hole day.


"You have to hurry up boy!" They screamed at the young boy standing just a few feet away "We don't have forever! You need to bring her to us very soon or you'll suffer the consequences" they said pointing towards the boy " Do you understand me?!" They practically shouted "Yes" the young boy said just in a whispered way "Good. We will have mean watching your every move with her until you bring her to us" the boy got a scared look on he's face. There were never supposed to be man watching there every move. Now he couldn't be alone with this girl and he wouldn't be able to do what he truly wanted to do with her.


I decided to go down stairs and clean the house a little, not that it was dirty or anything I mean I'm practically the only one who lives in it but it was something to do. I put my music on shuffle and dances to Doo-Wop by the fooo conspiracy. I started in the kitchen and made my way out to the living room " That was amazing!" a familiar voice said scaring the shit out of me "What the hell Matt" I said placing a hand over my heart. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said with that award winning smile " Well you did asshole" I said laughing along with him. He came closer to me until we were only inches a part "Question" he said. I nodded my head urging him to continue. He took a deep breath and continued "Run away with me" he said looking down at he's feet "What?" I breathed out "Run away with me. We can leave this place and never look back. Drive into the middle of nowhere and get lost" he said "just pick up and leave?" I said "Yes" he simply replied. This could be it. I could leave this dump. But could I really leave behind my best friend? But I needed this. I hated it were everybody living by societies rules. Everybody so brain washed into thinking they need to be like somebody else "Lets go" I said not thinking over my answer. I made my way up to my room with Matt following me very closely "How much do I pack?" I asked looking at him " Not a lot just a little" he said looking nervous "Have you packed yet?" I questioned "Yeah" he said climbing out of my window and into he's grabbing a duffle bag and throwing it into my room making a big clucking sound. He came in following it. I packed a few clothes and my charger for my phone and computer. I grabbed my note book and a pencil. And then I grabbed my camera "Done" I stated turning to find Matt looking at my wall of pictures "When did you take this one?" He question pointing at a picture I took of him late at night one time. We were both in my bed half asleep. He had a lazy smile and he's eyes were half opened, my favourite picture of him by far "One of those nights you sleep over. The night we were talking about the world" I said smiling as the memory played in my head. I took the picture down from the wall and stuck it in my bag along with a picture of me and my best friend. I'm gonna need it "Ready?" he asked "Ready as I'll ever be" I sighed "Lets go" he said making he's way to the door and out to the car. We threw our stuff in the trunk. Matt sat in the front seat and I sat on the other side of him. This is gonna be one hell of a trip

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