Session 1: No Regrets

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"We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future."

Steve Maraboli,

Sam rushed to and opened the door to her and Kara's bedroom. She witnessed her fiancé tossing and turning on their bed, gripping the sheets that were tangled tightly around her lithe form. Her normally soft features were tense and filled with fear. Kara's soft whimpers, which she had heard from their shared office, were growing louder. "Kara!" She gasped, rushing to the bedside. Kara started to thrash about, mumbling something in Kryptonese so quickly, Sam couldn't keep up. Sam reached for Kara's hand, grasping tightly, and slowing her breathing. She gritted her teeth as Kara squeezed tighter, forcing herself to stay calm as her bones ground together under the other woman's grip. "Kara. Kara, sweetheart, it's a bad dream." Sam whispered, knowing Kara could hear her. Kara's grip continued to tighten, and Sam took a deep breath and started to sing...


Kara was trapped. She was reliving the same moment, over and over. Lena was facing her, a look of fear on her face. A black shadow, insubstantial except for a faint human shape was coming together between them. Her hand shot out and she felt something soft thumping wildly in her hand. A surprised set of eyes staring at her.






"Sam!" Kara jerked awake, as Astra's song washed over her. "Sami?" Her fear filled eyes stared with wild abandon at her fiancé.

Sam stopped singing immediately, pulling Kara into a crushing hug. "Same dream?" Her arms wrapping around the blonde, cocooning her in safety. "You need to talk to someone, honey." She placed her lips on the top of Kara's head thinking to herself. 'Me, Kara. You can talk to me.'

"I know I do, but--but--but?" Kara tensed, but nuzzled in closer to Sam's chest, her ear resting above Sam's heart. The steady thumping calming her nerves.

Sam reached over, lifting Kara's phone from the table and dialed Lena's number.

"It's late?" Kara whispered.

"It's Lena." Sam whispered into the mop of blonde hair as Lena answered the phone.

"Sam?" A sleepy voice asked from the other end of the phone. "Is everything okay? Did something happen to Ruby?" Sam could hear Lena's heartrate rise. "Is it Kara. Is she okay?"

"No. It's the nightmares. They are worse." Sam said into the phone.

"Harley remembers everything from before, Sam. Maybe she could help?" Lena whispered, as her hand found Diana's. "Want me to call her in the morning?"

Kara reached up and slid the phone from Sam's hand. Her lip was quivering slightly and her grip was tight on the phone as she answered Lena's question. "Please."


Kara knocked lightly on the door, smiling as Harley's voice, thick with her New Jersey accent called out. "Come on in, sugar!"

"Hey, Harley." Kara smiled, biting her bottom lip to hide her nerves. "Am I too early?" Her eyes scanned Harley's office, landing on a well-read copy of the Supergirl Diaries lying face down on the messy desk that belonged to her new therapist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel.

Harley stood up and looked down at the book, a soft smile filling her face. "Doing a little research. Lena said you would probably be late, something about flying here on a bus?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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