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Six year old Junior gasped from a nightmare he calls for his parents, there's no reply he does it again. He was terrified & shaken questioning where were his parents at? He needed them so got off from the bed heads to the doorway he peeked his head out the room he hated it how big the mansion was sure he have Annie his housekeeper  who takes care of him &  can bring his best friend Devon to play around. But when it comes to his parents they're either busy or put pressure onto him much more of his father Logan. Wants him to have a good reputation to the Wheeler name no other than his shit man of a twin brother Lucas who has a son around Junior's age Jake Wheeler who is a kind shy boy. Jake usually follows Junior & Devon around which Junior gets annoy at the end of the fight one of them cries Junior always gets blame on  because he's athletic could easily beat up Jake for his size. He felt like something watching him his every move he ran to his parents door knocking it with his little fists that they open their eyes quickly Logan mumble something & heads to the knob letting Junior ran fast crawling through the blankets. His mother Bree turns up the lamp beside her " Junior you know what time it is ? " her voice from exhaustion, she looks at the clock 4 in the morning it read " It was scary mommy. " Junior voice shake he bury his face to his mom's chest she got a late reaction & curl her arms around him. Logan stood there upset his son Junior woke him up. " Junior tomorrow your sixth birthday you're old enough to stop calling us whenever you have a nightmare. " Logan said with an angry tone, Bree didn't like how her husband already treating him like he's sixteen "  You can sleep here tonight. " Bree said as she stroke Junior's dark brown hair  Logan didn't have the energy to argue & went back to bed Junior went under the blanket turn where just mom side at he started his eyes he open again when he stopped a small figure peeking through the door he ignore & hide pretending it's not there. This will be the last time Junior every be this close to his parents.

* Junior's birthday *

Junior's already in the kitchen counter Annie made chocolate pancakes for him. Bree had left early to her job, it was Logan's turn to drop him off to school. " Junior hurry up! " the dark haired boy stopped & got off the chair " Junior what do you says to Annie... " Logan asks Junior turn to Annie " Thank you Annie " the housekeeper smile pass him the lunchbox Junior tries to hold his father 's hand but Logan was holding the car keys. Entering the garage hops on the car driving away. " I thought we're going to school? " Junior asks, " Your uncle couldn't take Jake to school so I'm picking him up. " he told him, " Why can't he go to the school bus ? " Logan stopped the car on the road " You should be very grateful your mother and I willing take you, to school! We need to be there for them Jake is going through enough of it is! " Junior didn't says a word. He didn't meant it he hates Jake is getting better treatment by his father than he ever will. Logan continue to drive & picks up Jake, Logan greets him Junior forcibly greets him to. " Junior give him the lunchbox... " Junior was confused " It's my lunchbox! " he cried, " Annie didn't make it for you, come on bud there's lunch at school " when Jake got onto the car Logan changed personality fast Junior just did that passing the lunchbox to Jake.

* After School *

Junior went to stay Devon's house for a while did homework " What happened to Jake? " Devon questioned as he holds the game controller, " Does it matter? " Junior turn his neck to him. Devon frowned he didn't meant bringing up Jake, he knows how both of the Wheeler cousins don't see eye to eye " He's at his house he coming to party later " he told Devon. The boys played a few games Annie picked up Junior, he got ready for his birthday sitting down the living room couch waiting Jake & Devon comes early went outside soon more kids came it was fine & dandy everybody sang happy birthday to him, the first gift he gotten from his parents it was long the box Junior thought it was a new nerf gun he been asking he rips the paper everybody gather ready to take pictures Junior didn't expect this. A doll almost tall as him " Huh? " ' I'm a boy I can't play dolls " Junior commented rudely, Logan & Bree felt embarrassed by people in shock " I didn't bought him that he wanted a nerf gun " Bree whisper to Logan's ears " Well you gotta it says thank you.... " Logan said puts his hand onto his son's shoulder " I don't wanna it! " Junior begin to cry, Logan squeeze Junior's shoulder making him stop crying after the party Junior sat on the staircase while holding the redhead doll his parents were arguing Junior turns the doll to face him it said his catch phrase " Hi, I'm Chucky I'm your friend till the end hidey ho! " Made Junior curl his lip smiling from the doll he walks to the kitchen to see his parents looking unhappy " Junior it's okay I have ready called the mail to get nerf gun " Bree explain, " It's okay mom Chucky is way better than a nerf gun also I got more of them. " he said, hugging his red headed friend Bree thought maybe Chucky could be a great fit for Junior. Later that night, Junior brush his teeth Chucky sat on the sink beside him. " Is my teeth shiny? " Junior asks knowing Chucky doesn't reply shown his teeth with wet tooth paste, that the boy finally goes to bed with Chucky. Annie read him a story before she does home, Junior wasn't tired he hold Chucky tight " Chucky, can you keep a secret? " the doll round his blue eyes towards Junior, " I can keep a secret buddy " in his childish voice, " Last night I dreamed I hurt Jake real bad... " Junior confessing " What's wrong with that? Jake is a crybaby he deserve it " still in his doll mode " But Annie saw me then I hurt next daddy & mommy " he felt so bad why would he dream about that " Did it felt good ? " Chucky's raise a brow Junior didn't say nothing. He thought he was dreaming & close his eyes. Chucky switch a pillow Junior hugging it instead he went down the hall he heard noises coming downstairs a evil grins appeared from his lip, " I don't want my son playing with dolls the team will think of him of a wuss " Logan said, to his wife " You'll think he's a wuss before Chucky came you always tried to man up Junior he doesn't need that he needs a father not a bully! " Bree shouts, Logan turn his neck up at her " I'm not a bully I'm trying to show him he's capable of doing amazing things of sports " Logan explains , " That's what your father did to you & Lucas, look how Lucas turn out to be a excuse of a man abusing his son a drunk! " Bree said, " He's abusing him it's tough love that I'm not approve of it's nothing comparable how I'm raising our son. " Logan excuse, Chucky slowly behind them he opens the drawer holds up a kitchen knife the biggest one. " I'm done" Bree said as she walks away from him Logan gets a hold of Bree's wrist " Let go of me, this instant. " she roughly tries shook Logan away from her " Bree, says I'm the better parent " he argues, " We're lying now " she said as she makes Logan fell Bree looked scare seeing looked all red on the face " I'm taking Junior &
I to a hotel you can stay home by yourself " she said as she tries to go upstairs but Logan grabs her again this is Chucky chance as he ran slice Logan back of his ankles the older man yelps in pain Bree looked in shock where she spots Chucky she fallen back crawling backwards almost escaping Chucky pulled her hair & slice her throat dark blood leaks out the gaping wound Logan witness his wife murdered in his mind he needs pass him so he could get Junior from upstairs. Outta nowhere Chucky stabs him in the chest till his lungs are damage gone he was. " Oops I did it again! " he said in his wickedly laugh, he looks up noticing Junior witness his father being murdered by his good guy doll. " Aww kid, it's a dream. " Chucky lied, " Is daddy gone ? " he asks, knowing he saw the whole thing, " Yes, " he told him Junior stopped his mother & looked at Chucky " You did it quick mommy didn't cry? " he asked, Chucky was in shock usually kids would ran or cry when seeing their parents died. Junior seem not bother by it. Chucky, looks at the knife covered in blood " Wanna hold it? " Junior grabs hold of it looking at so slightly. " Mommy never let me with sharp things. " the boy said, " She's not here anymore... "Chucky smirk there were car lights coming hearing someone turn off the engine " Chucky! " a woman voice could be heard " I'm here babe " Chucky reply who is familiar with her, a blonde haired who looked like she's from the 50s era came in she pay her attention to Chucky giving him kissing blood actually dripping onto her cheeks " Oops " she said as she pulled up napkin from her purse she looked & spotted Junior " You kept one alive ? " Tiffany sounded a little surprise " This is Junior, I killed his parents & he's find with that. " he explains, " Aww he's such a sweet face " Tiffany said as she pinch his cheeks, " Come on we need to go till cops comes here. " Tiffany added, " What about me? " Junior asked, " Tiffany can you pass me a cloth I can't reach it. " Tiffany did as she was told Chucky grabbed the knife from Junior & cleaned the knife " So no one expect a thing " he picks the knife back " I don't wanna you to go Chucky. " this couldn't be the end, Junior frowned " Kid don't you have other family they could take you in...Your uncle & cousin could. " Tiffany went silent noticing the sadness from the boy's eyes " He's going to beat me up like he does to  Jake " Junior spoke, yeah Chucky's father never beaten him he use words instead of fists show him discipline he had been foster care before hearing sick stories of his foster siblings went treated by so called parents, he ain't no saint either tried to force Glen to become a killer which isn't in his DNA which he somehow accept but Glenda was a whole other story. Now that they're inside Jennifer's new borns bodies he had to wait till they're old grow to know who they are. " Chucky yeah we should take him in. " Tiffany said,  Chucky was in big of a shock he was thinking the same he could use him for his killing spree " Really! " Junior he sounded excited, " We can't just take him without Jennifer Tully adopted him " Tiffany said in third person. So they hash a plan made sure the house looked like some other person did this, they told Junior to hide in the closet Chucky there with him. Till the next day cops come & Detective Kim Evan arrive Junior already in foster care security she looks around in shocked yesterday she went to this house for her son's best friend's birthday. Meanwhile Junior was playing at the play ground with Jake where Lucas went to talk to Detective Evan " Did you see nothing out of ordinary? " she asked, Lucas was paused still in belief what's happening right now  " Nothing yesterday their kid turned six year old " he explains, " Where were you? " Detective Evan asks, " At home having a hangover " he admits, " Lucas, I know you have a lot of plate in your table, with losing your wife & taking care of Jake. You're the only family Junior have left. " she said calmly, " I can't not right what about you ? " Lucas questioned, " I come home at very late my eyes are on Devon " she stated, 
Both Jake & Junior look at them at a distance " Hey don't touch him! " Junior snap " I'm sorry Junior " Jake frowned, " That's the last gift I have from my parents! " he roars,

Jake cried, ran to his father. Later that day Tiffany poses as Jennifer Tilly came filed papers adopting Junior she talked to Lucas Jake hearing the news Junior is no longer living in hackensack he's moving LA instead he asked his dad if they could visit reply to him it depends if Jennifer lets them. They drove away Chucky puts on the radio " We're going love it here in LA Junior we have a big backyard a swimming pool, " Ugh... " Chucky complain, " You're mad because you never gotten to know how to swim." Tiffany teases Chucky flips the bird at her " I can swim.  " Junior,  " Maybe Junior could teach you how to? " she said as she puts red lipstick onto her lips.


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