The Mysterious Adventures of Karl and Nick; Cold Eyes.

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"Niicckkkk~" Karl said softly.

"What do you want, Karl~?" Nick slurred sleepily. He slowly opened his eyes. The bright light coming from the windows blinded him, so he quickly brought his arm up to cover his face, and sat up.

"We've got a new case today!" Karl replies happily. Nick jumps out of bed excitedly. He had forgotten about the case they had planned today. He rushes over to the bathroom door and looks back at Karl, saying

"Come on, get ready! We have work to do!"

Nick and Karl get ready for work quicker than they ever have before. Today was a big day. This case was very important. This wasn't like the usual cases they've solved before.

A terrible thing has happened on the property of Jimmy Donaldson. Jake has attacked the new member, Nolan. Nolan is currently in the hospital for many injuries, which came from a piece of a set in Jimmy's warehouse. Jake had cut the wires holding the big wood piece up, causing it to fall onto Nolan, just barely missing his head. The big chunk of the set hit nolans left arm and leg, badly injuring him.

Now you may be asking yourself, why is this any different than the cases you've taken on before? Well this wasn't a whodunnit. This was a whydunnit. You see, we already know that Jake is the culprit, but why did he do it? That's what we need to figure out.

The ride there was fun, Karl and Nick sang along with the radio and prepared themselves for what would come next.

Soon, we are here. Nick jumps out of the car and I do the same. We walk towards the huge warehouse. We looked around the place a little bit to examine the area, then walked to the front entrance.

"Welcome to the Mr.Beast filming set!" exclaims a happy voice from inside the doors.
"Thank you! I assume you are jimmy?" Nick replies.
"That I would be. You .ust be Nick, so that makes you..." Jimmy turns to me.
"Karl! Karl jacobs!" I reach out my hand, and Jimmy shakes it.
"Alright then," Nick says, Let's get to this."

Jimmy took us on a tour around the place, and we met a few members of the crew. Nolan is a very positive being, and he seemed a perfect addition to the crew, as he was only added a little bit ago. Chris and Chandler have been there since the beginning, and they are super cool people. Tareq is the most important man behind the camera, he is super friendly and really easy to get along with.

Jimmy pulled us aside from all the chatter of the group. "Hey, so now that you've met the crew, do you wanna talk to Jake? he's in custody, I could take you there."
"That's a good idea Jimmy," Nick looks at me for reassurance, and I nod, "we wanna see him."

Once we make it to where Jake is being held, I start pondering what we would even ask him.

Jimmy lead us inside the facility. We had to talk to a few people and Jimmy had to sign some forms, but we got into the room.
"I'll leave you guys to it then," Jimmy says. I watch him walk down the hallway and turn the corner.
"C'mon Karl," Nick says, grabbing my hand. Something feels off, but I don't know what. Nick leads me into the room, and there is a man sitting at a table on the further side of the room. He looks me directly in the eyes, and I can't help letting out a whimper. His cold eyes stare into mine and I can't look away. My heartbeat gets faster and faster, I was paralyzed in his gaze.
"Karl, are you ok?" Nick asks, clearly concerned. I couldn't respond. My brain stalled and I was shaking heavily. I was starting to seize up, but suddenly, Jake looked away. My body became conscious again and I swung my arms around Nick to stop myself from falling.
"hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Nick asks, holding me tightly. I was going to answer, but a loud BANG was heard from the other side of the room. We let go quickly, and turn around to see a horrible sight. There was a gun askew on the floor, and blood pooling from the head of who was formerly known as Jake Franklin.
I don't quite remember anything after that. It was all a blur. Still, I will be forever traumatized by that bloody mess, the looping sirens, and those eyes. Those cold, cold eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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