Dear Diary,

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Date: June 23, 2021

Where do I even begin?

Okay, so my therapist told me that writing down all my problems will help to 'sort my head out'. So, here goes nothing, I guess?

Oh , I should probably tell you my name, shouldn't I?

My name is Charlotte Rose James. I have one brother and one friend. My mom and dad both are borderline alcoholics who refuse to get help. My older brother, Jared, is currently finishing his senior year at the University of Florida. He moved away from the small town I currently still reside in of Marfa, Texas. (I know more like barfa) My friend, Grace Jenkins, has been by my side since kindergarten. Who would have thought that sharing a fruit snack from her would mean a life long friend? Anyways, those are the two most important people in my life.

I know what you're thinking, 'you forgot your mom and dad.' and believe me if I could forget them, I wouldn't be needing a therapist in the first place. It's not that they're bad parents, they're the worst. Mom is a talker. Her favorite thing to do is constantly remind me that I'm a loser, or a nobody. That I'll 'never amount to anything in this world'. Dad is not much of a talker, just loves to swing. Whatever his fist reaches. If you're in the way, it's your fault.

Anyways, I think that's enough sorting for today.

Until tomorrow, love your cynical flower <3

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