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'fuck. where the hell is it.' he searched everywhere for the envelope. the last time he saw was on his desk. 'i'm 100% sure i put it here. where the hell could it have gone?'

"hyung! have you seen that envelope that was on my desk?" he ran downstairs to wonwoo, his roommate. "the brown one that was addressed to hyeji?" wonwoo looked up to see mingyu nodding his head. he looked back at the tv. "chan went to mail stuff just now and he checked your room. maybe he took it?"

mingyu's eyes widened. "that little.." he immediately ran back up the stairs and barged into his younger roommate's room. "yah! lee chan!" the younger boy jumped out of bed, surprised at his hyung's sudden outburst. "did you take the brown envelope in my room."

he nodded with a confused look on his face. "did you mail it?" mingyu slightly raised his voice. "yeah...i thought you wanted to since it was addressed to somebody..." mingyu clenched his fists. "was i not supposed to..?" mingyu jumped onto the bed and started shouting. "why didn't you ask me before you mailed it? yes there was an address on it but i didn't need you to mail it out!"

wonwoo came into the room. "what's wrong? why are you screaming?" mingyu looked at wonwoo in disbelief. "this little piece of shit mailed the letter to hyejin without fucking asking!"

"well if you didn't want it mailed why did you write her address on it?" wonwoo crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "it's not like i added a stamp and if i wanted to i would've did it myself." he glared at chan sitting on the bed still confused.

"maybe she won't receive it. the post office does lose mails sometimes..." chan said softly. "shut up." mingyu rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at the younger boy.

"chan's right. she might not receive it so just calm down. chan apologise for mailing it without his permission." wonwoo pushed himself off the door frame and went back downstairs.

"sorry hyung...i didn't know and i should've asked before i mailed it. please forgive me." he looked down and genuinely sounded apologetic. "please just ask me next time before you mail my shit." mingyu stood up and went back to his room.

'i'm so fucking screwed.'

letters | kim mingyu Where stories live. Discover now