[ 02 ] Aftermath of the visit [ 02 ]

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Wilbur huffed, Wincing as the man sat up. " Having fun there? " Asked Dream, Wilbur looked over at the other, Stating at the mask's dot eyes. " No. " Wilbur replied. " Hey Hey- Dont get all pissy Wil, You asked for it " Dream would say, Walking over the other, Sitting next to him. " You started it " Wilbur replied. " Pff- What are you five? " Asked Dream, Laughing right after asking that. Wilbur blushed, Yelling, " HEY-- IM NOT FIVE YOU-- BITCH- " " STOP LAUGHINGGGGGG ". After a few minutes the cell filled with yells and laughter. 

" DREAMMMM STOPPP " Wilbur yelled, Shoving Dream as Dream fell onto the bed. " I'm sorry Wil- Pfff- It was funny-- " Dream would say, Whipping his eyes, He had laughed till his stomach hurt. " Anyways, Ive got important question Love " Dream added, Sitting up and staring over at Wil. " Go on?- " Wilbur replied. " Did you y'know?- Enjoy yourself, dear, I went all out for you- " Dream would say, Leaving what he said vague, As if not to say, " Hey did I do good? ".

 Surprisingly Wilbur was at a loss for words, He normally had a shitty comeback or something stupid to say but no words came out of the man's mouth. " Wait-- You're asking if you did a good job?-- " " Really? THE dream was taken is asking for that?- Wilbur asked, Still at a loss for words. Dream stayed silent, for a few seconds that is. " Are you trying for you not to walk dear? Either answer the question or shut up. Simple. " Dream said, Going back to being quiet. " Oh? Is that a challenge Dreamy? " Wilbur replied, Smirking at the other. And a Challenge had begun. 

" What if I don't wanna walk? You could carry me " Wilbur says, Knowing that Dream wasn't allowed out. " Hon, I'm not allowed out of this bitch, You know that. But if you wish, I can. " Dream would say, Shrugging. " I'm on my last life as well, So if I die I'm dead. " Dream would add, Shrugging once more. " Less talking, I wouldn't have offered to do this unless I wanted it. Now get on with it bitch " Wilbur would say, He really was testing Dream now. Just the word ' bitch ' could set off the bomb that was Dream. " Oh really now? I could make you scream my name like a little bitch if I wanted. " Dream replied. " Do it then, Make me Dream. " Wilbur said, Taunting the other. And- Well. Let's just say, Wilbur was in more pain than he was before.

Sam walked into the security camera room, Glancing over at Sam Nook. " Nook, How are they? Wilbur overstayed his visit, But I let that slide. " Sam Nook looked over at Sam. " They're fucking Sam, I'm scared. SAM I HEARD ALL OF IT. IM SCARED- " Sam Nook said. " IM SORRY THEYRE DOING WHAT?!- IN DREAMS CELL RIGHT NOW?!-- " Sam yelled. " THAT FUCKING- " Sam would yell again, A mix of shock and anger was the state of Sam currently. "I'll go get your trident, Sam " The robot replied, Walking off to fetch Sam's trident. Sam stood where he was standing, He was most likely going to have too to walk in on that. Not too long after the robot returned with Sam's trident. " Thank Nook, You can power off or rest now. I'm going to deal with that. " Sam would say, Smiling at the robot. " Yes, Of course, Sam. I'll be resting here. " Nook would say, Sitting on the floor and closing its eyes.

Sam reached the lava bridge. He'd step onto it and wait to reach the cell. After a few minutes, Sam reached the cell. Stepping off the platform and onto the other. " Dream. Wilbur. " Sam would say, Getting drowned out by the loud noise. Sam would clear his throat then repeat himself " Dream. Wilbur. ". Dream looked over and stared at Sam. " OH- SAM-- " Wilbur in a trance continued to do what they were doing. Dream stopped him, holding him still.
Sam would stand there. " Dream, You really think Quackity would enjoy that your intimate with his boyfriend? " Sam would say. Gesturing to Wilbur as if it wasn't obvious. "  His what. " Dream would say, Getting off of Wilbur and scrambling to get dressed. Once he was dressed he stood there. " Is that true Wil?- " Dream would say, Glancing over at Wilbur, Who now was coming out of the 'trance'. " What?-- I- Is what true?-- " Wilbur would ask. " Your Quackity's boyfriend. Is it

 true Wilbur? " Dream would ask, He was shaking, A mix of sadness and anger washed over the man as if that wave engulfed him. " What?! No?!- I- I love you!! " Wilbur would say, Attempting to stand up, Which he could do barely. " Sam, Get him out. Now. " Dream would say, Continuing to shake, Almost violently. " Oh but Dream, We're waiting for Quackity. Then the real fun begins! " Sam would say, Sounding happy about a possibly violent situation at hand. 

" Sam. Please, Just get him out. I dont care about Quackity. Get him out. " Dream would say. He really cared about this man, More than anything else, Anyone else. Even he himself. He bonded with this- This man. Cared for this MAN. Dream was so close to breaking, Just letting insanity take him, And now he could. There were no strings to pull on, Nothing left to wreck or break. He was so done. And like that, He snapped. Just sat on the floor and laughed, Laughed and laughed till he thought he couldn't. By the time he was done, Sam and Wilbur were gone. No Quackity in site! He was alone, As it should be, Most likely should be. A painful end to a perhaps 'toxic' love life for Dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰  𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 , 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now