I think I'm having fun

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We arrived at the amusement and we started playing games.

"Ryujin, let's go to bumper cars!" I exclaimed while running around.

After the bumper cars we headed to the ferris wheel. We both got into one of the cabins and relaxed. As I looked out to enjoy the view the sun was setting it was beautiful, all of the colours that the sky had shown.

As I slowly take my focus off of the view I turn to Ryujin, she was staring out the window, "her side profile is so pretty." I thought to myself.

Ryujin then turned to face forward, our eyes met and the cabin had stopped. We were at the very top of the ferris wheel, my heart started beating fast and I felt my face go red.

"You're going red Hwang Yeji," Ryujin teased me.

I covered my face with my hands, I felt the cab shake. I felt Ryujin's hands removing my hands from my face, Ryujin slowly leaned in close and and kissed me. I could feel fireworks going off. Her lips were soft and smooth.

As we pulled back I saw her smiling and I saw her dimples. My face went even more red, Ryujin cupped my cheeks with her hands and kissed my forehead and went back to her seat.

During the whole ride the only thought in my mind was her, I couldn't stop staring at her.

Time went by fast when I didn't even realize the ride had already finished. We got off and I couldn't even make eye contact with Ryujin, I was to flustered.

It was already dark outside so we both quickly grabbed a cheese corn dog and she drove home.

When we arrived Ryujin smiled and waved,
"I had fun time Yeji, hope we hang out again soon."

"Me too." I responded and waved back.

Once I opened the door I was greeted by three people Yuna, Chaeryeong, and another girl that I didn't recognize.

"Soo, Yeji where were you today? We were waiting for you." Chaeryeong asked me. "Oh, by the way this is Lia."

"Hey Yeji, it's been a while and i've heard about your condition." Lia told me.

"yeah.." I responded. "So why are y'all here?" I changed the subject.

"HEY DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!😜" Yuna exclaimed.

"Fine.." I sighed "I was hanging out with Ryujin."

"Are you sure it's not a date??" They all teased me.

I quickly got changed and we all talked for a bit and I got to know them more.

I brought out some beer from the fridge and we drank a bit.. Well they drank a bit I drank almost the whole bottle.

"Hey everyone let's go another blassjwj" I speaked.

"What are you saying Yeji?" Lia asked me.

"I said let's do another shyshajsh." I responded.

They all couldn't understand me and they all understood why. I was really drunk.

(A/N hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and thank you for the readss!! Hope you all have a good day/afternoon/night!! <33)

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