
117 11 69

poison filled promises

songs for chapter :
wires - the neighbourhood
tolerate it - taylor swift

A flicker of the sunrise had already begun to seep through the white lace curtains of Alexis' dorm room by the time the three girls bid each other goodnight and scrambled back into their own beds, yawning as they did so. Whether it was the fact that she was finally back at Hogwarts, or that she'd spent the night giggling with her best friends like old times, she was unsure; but Alexis did not stir one bit that night. In fact, she had a dream.

A dream of a tall man with long blonde locks climbing up the back of his neck like ivy, dressed head to toe in pristine black formal wear. Strolling through a field, or perhaps a large garden, Alexis had inquisitively followed behind him, the grass tickling her bare feet with each step as she shivered. The long, flowing crimson dress she was suddenly wearing not sufficing to the sharp winter flurry, which was now causing her lips to chap. She could not see his face, but just the sight of him enchanted her.

Alexis had sheepishly followed the man, as her curls tousled and flew into her face with help from the breeze, her bare feet squelching in the soggy grass with every step she took. Unaware of the curious girl, who continued to follow behind him, he crouched down and plucked fallen rose petals off of the ground, carefully settling them down in the pocket of his blazer as if they were made of Gold. Despite the beauty of them, a pained expression rested across his face.

The only thing that looked as if it were made from Gold though, was him, Alexis thought. She had never seen a person look so pained, yet effortlessly beautiful at the same time before. It made her wonder if there would ever be a state of grace for everyone, without there ever being a shred of pain. Without a doubt there was beauty in every single thing, it was just that anguish was always hidden amongst it all.

Alexis glanced down at her dress again, admiring the beauty of it, searching for the agony under its embedded jewels when she was taken aback. The cherry blossom dress she had just been wearing was now a deep charcoal black, and the sky roared with thunder like it was mocking her, saying here it is, here is the pain, here is the wretchedness you were searching for.

A long way ahead of her the man was standing now, his soft hair becoming dishevelled by the strong wind when Alexis realised his taintless tuxedo was now a flaming red.

Everything seemed to be happening so fast, and she was growing confused now. Quite a dream this was, she thought. But before she even had time to think too much into it, he half turned in her direction and she was sucked out of the dream as if she was being brought back to life.

Blinking her mocha eyes open, Alexis found herself safe in her dorm room in comparison to a field in the eye of a storm. She was still dressed in her satin pyjamas from the night before, still had an unbelievable ache in her heart, and still felt absolutely knackered from the late night she'd had.

Dragging her fatigued body out of the cotton bedspread she wished she could spend an eternity nestled into, she rubbed her eyes and allowed them to examine the state of her dorm room after the late night her and her friends had last night.

To her surprise, the clutter of chocolate frog wrappers she had expected to see on the azure carpet had been cleaned up. And so, she rubbed her tired eyes and let them follow the obnoxious ticking (which had been disturbing her since she awoke) which told her the time was 7:50, and that for once she may actually be prepared for the day with the early start.

Alexis' mind sauntered, traipsed and roamed down all of the possible paths which could lead her to finding out what on earth that dream was. She had never had a dream quite like the one she had last night, and sure, it wasn't fairly pleasant, but it was definitely a dream compared to her usual nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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