Harry Potter is an Afton and posses Lolbit

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What if Harry was an Afton and told no one not even his friends and crush Draco, soon Voldemort and his death eaters come to talk to Harry and Hogwarts but when says the line 'you shouldn't mess me, you don't want to mess with me if your messing with me then your messing with my family' then the Aftons appear and disappear, leaving everyone confused, they thought he was talking about Hogwarts, this happens in 4th of Hogwarts at the Ttywizard Tournament

Also i forgot to mention, Luna is an Emily and posses Funtime Chica

I wil be Harry, Clara, Elizabeth, Luna, Henry and ETC

You will be Voldemort, William, Micheal, Chris, Charlie, Hermione Ron and ETC


William X Henry
Harry X Draco
Elizabeth X Charlie
Luna X Cho
Micheal X Ennard
Chris X Nightmare

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