Daffodils on the Windowsill

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"Hey, come look at this," Futakuchi called from the desk. Kamasaki got up from the chair in the artist section of the black-walled shop to come over

"What is it you damn brat" Futa glared at the faux-blond for a second before gesturing in the direction of the empty storefront the shop workers have been forced to look at for nearly a year now.

Expect it wasn't so empty. A van was parked in front of it, with workers moving things out of it into the store "Looks like someone finally bought the place"

"Huh. Wonder what they're gonna turn it into."

Three people were standing in front of it, seemingly discussing something. One was a man in a suit and dark hair. Another was one also had dark hair, but it was curly and he was dressed more casually: In a turtleneck and simple pants. The last one was a girl with long brown hair and glasses that almost looked like goggles. She had a hoodie and leggings on.

"Who do you think brought it?"

"Probably the guy in the suit. He just screams money." Futa leaned back in his chair.

The people finally loaded everything in the not-so-empty store. The guy in a suit waved them off before shaking hands with the other man, hugging the girl, and leaving.

"Looks like you were wrong. I'm not surprised" Futa responded by hitting Kamasaki with his sketchbook.

The boy and girl talked to each other, although from the reaction of the boy it seems the girl is teasing him. She's smirking at him as he turns red as he gets increasingly more flustered.

"Wonder what they're talking about"

"Probably something sex-related."

"Get your mind out of the gutter." Kamasaki glared at him as Futa smirked. Eventually, the two disappeared inside the shop.

"Looks like they agreed on what position they're gonna try tonight" Kamasaki smacked him upside the head. Futa yelled and soon the two were fighting.

Sasaya walks out, holding the needle that they typically use for nose piercing "If you two don't stop I'm going to stab you both with this" This was his typical threat when those two got into it. They originally thought he was joking....

.....Until he actually stabbed Kamasaki in the hand with it. Now they know better.

They reluctantly stop, grumbling "What happened."

"The shop across the street got sold to these two people," Futa said, sitting back at his chair by the desk.

"Oh nice, this place could use some more shops around here."

"Yeah. I'm curious what kind of shop it's gonna be."

Futa sighed. If there was one thing that he disliked about his job was the little brats.

"I'm telling you it's okay!"

"And I am telling you it's against shop regulations! We can do it, but you need permission from a legal guardian!"

"So? I gave you my id!"

"You're a minor! We can't pierce you unless you have permission!"

"I want to talk to your supervisor!"

"You're talking to him! He says no!"

This has been going on for the last twenty minutes. Some teenage girl thought she was better than the rules, but Kamasaki isn't losing his job for this. Unfortunately, it made it hard to sketch.

Futa loves drawing, most of the tattoos he did were his custom work. He even had some of his pieces up on display at the shop. But he couldn't do it with the noise. He needs to leave.

'I wonder....'

Moniwa did not expect anyone to come in. The shop wasn't open yet and there was a sign. He was trying to set up something under the cashier counter and couldn't see who it was "Ah-We're not open yet!"

"I know, I'm from the shop across the street. I wanted to introduce myself." Moni stood up from the counter to see who it was. It was a guy with brown hair, black eyeliner, a nose ring, and wearing a black t-shirt with black capris with a plaid teal/black flannel tied around their waist. Moni could see parts of a tattoo of some scaly creature wrapped around his left forearm, but he couldn't see all of it as half was covered by the sleeves "I'm Futakuchi, I work across the street, Iron wall Tattoos."

"Oh hi! I'm Moniwa, nice to meet you. I'm sorry the place is a mess..." Futa walked over and shook his hand.

"It's alright. I expected it to be with you trying to set up...uh...."

"A flower shop! It's been a dream of mine. My uncle makes a lot of money so he decided to help fund it."

"Is that the guy in the suit who was with you a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah! He came over to help me work things out with the shelves and things like that. My cousin, his son, came to help too."

"Son? I didn't see him..."

"Are you sure? If you saw us you must have seen him. He's got long hair and is kinda short" Wait. Does he mean?

"Ohhh, he was your cousin....I thought he was a girl, specifically your girlfriend." Moni couldn't help laughing at that.

"Nope. No girls, for either of us. His name is Luciel, and we live together. But he's a college student so he's in class right now. He does come to help me out when he can but..." Moni sighed, resting his elbows on the counter "It hasn't been easy. There's so much I have to do and it's just the two of us."

"Ah. Maybe you should put out fliers to try and get some employees. You could put one up in our shop, and I know if you ask the cafe down the street has a bulletin board you could put one in. If you ask I'm sure people will let you put up some fliers"

"You may have a point....It would make things faster....."

"Well, it's your call. It's nice meeting you." Futa walked out, shutting the door.

"...." Moni went back under the counter, hurrying to finish his sweeping. He needed to get back to his apartment.

He has much to do.

Daffodils=symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings

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