pennies from heaven

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        Awhile ago I had read a story. This story was from mythology and went like this: long ago when the gods created humans they made them with double everything heads, legs, arms, the whole shabang. One day they realized that the humans were too powerful like this and could have the potential to kill the gods. Because of their realization they separated the humans so the each had a perfect half. These humans would live all their life looking for the other half that had been taken from them. They were each living for each other each body before being separated had one man and one woman. I have decided I don’t quite like this story.

         Paint smeared across avery’s face. His smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. The canvas in front of him looked like it was painted with the sky itself. He dropped the paint brush into the mason jar filled with murky water. His copper hair was pushed away from his face but still had stains of cerulean blue paint from having to repeat this motion when it fell in his face again. Warm light filtered through the windows dyeing the room a pleasant gold. Avery sank to the ground still smiling but the smile turned tired. He pulled a small red box out of his apron pocket. He stuck a chocolate pocky stick into his mouth chewing slowly on it. His head turned to the door as it swung open and a tall figure walked in. “Avery what are you doing just sitting on the ground? I thought we were going to study in here not sleep." Avery let his head turn back deeming the intruder safe and boring.Avery really forgot about his tutor entirely he did that when he painted. “Are you daft or just deaf? Are we going to really study or are you just wasting my time? Because your classes are way below mine and I could be useing this time to study on my own.” Avery had decided he ultimately hated this man and his sweater vest in all. He pushed himself up with a grunt untying his smock and throwing it at the pretentious boy who interrupted his silence. Avery grabbed his bag as the newcomer hung his smock on the hook by the door.
“Are you thirsty?” Avery asked his voice came out wispy and rasped. “What?” The boy said back Avery finally giving him the smallest amount of attention. His voice, the newcomers, was smooth and soft like velvet. His dress shoes made him look as if he was wearing a uniform and contrasted greatly against Avery’s jeans and cream colored wingtips. Avery pushed his hat onto his messy hair tucking back all loose pieces slipping on his army green coat as well. “Well I wanted tea and you’re british so I thought you’d be okay and we could study at my house.” Avery’s word stumbled out  “by god Avery. Do you even know my name or are you just inviting a totally random person into your home? ”  The newcomer, who wasn't really a newcomer anymore, was right Avery really knew nothing about him but he also knew that if he had to he could defend himself. “No, you’re right. Come on.” Both boys eventually ended up walking to Avery’s house seeing as he usually rode his bike home and the taller boy refused to ride on the handle bars. “So,” Avery asked “what is your name?” The taller boy struck his face with his palm “now you ask.” He sighed, a weighted sigh, continuing to answer avery. “ I’m Alec, Alec Livingston.” Avery laughed a bit at how proper Alec was. He had never met anyone who was introduce like that except his teacher.The boys talked with each other about everything from favorite color to favorite shakespeare plays. Alec talked with little interest in him self but rather directed most of it at Avery. He seemed genuinely interested in Avery’s hatred of rhubarb and moon questioning. Avery talked animatedly with real interest towards Alec. Who he had taken to calling Alex instead which make Alec irritated to no end but the first time he said it he looked so happy that Alec didn't make him stop but rather made his annoyance known. “Oh, here we are!” Avery blurted out interrupting his rather one sided conversation about how odd wheat and its byproduct is. He propped his bike, which was old but taken care of with its chrome and blue and orange paint, against the wooden fence turning towards Alec before walking up to the green door. “mom, i’m home!!!!” avery yelled loudly which was probably unnecessary with the small size of the house. “ silas, is that you?” who Alec guessed was avery’s mother yelled back equally as loud. this must have been a daily thing in this house. the home screamed loud and was littered with cork boards filled with pictures and notes the wooden floors were covered with tables and bookshelves that reached the ceiling were scattered around the room there was little other furniture. one big recliner sat in the room along with a couch but that was all. shoes collected against one wall by the door avery kicked his off and walked forward. “yeah, mom, it’s me” he said slightly quieter seemingly having noticed that his mother was closer than he thought. his smile never dropped or lessened. “alex, if you want you can keep your shoes on or just kick em off it really doesn’t matter here.” and as if it was even possible his smile increased. it was obvious he was happy and comfortable here in his home even with his guest. he stopped at a table and added three paper clips and his phone into a pile that was filling a ceramic mug and saucer, which alec found odd. “silas? oh, there you are sweetie.” his mother came into the room and took off the boys hat placing it on the hook next to a blue one that seemed worn out and bigger. the two hugged unashamedly and his mother ran her hands into his hair frowning as she separated the paint crusted pieces. she clicked her tongue and slid a blue capped ballpoint pen behind his right ear. “ you need to stop getting paint in your hair sweetie.” avery blushed and shrugged off the coment. avery’s mother having removed avery’s hat and separating his paint crusted hair allowed it to fall in waves that reached his jaw an undercut noticeable showing now. the light that filled the room from different shaped odd lamps and windows with light blue curtains made avery’s hair color show up even more. alec had been wondering about the color since they had met in the art room. the waves of his hair were like dying flames and seemed like copper pennies had been melted down just to make it except for his under cut which was a simple golden brown color. “silas, dear, who’s this?”

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