kakeru my beloved

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imagine sitting down in a quiet, peaceful, spacious storage room at school. just reading, really immersed into the fictional place that is your book, all worldly things forgotten. nobody would even think to come in there, everyone's outside enjoying their break with their friends, you have plenty of time to finish a few more chapters before the bell rings. 

then, unexpectedly, YOUR best friend, kakeru manabe, bursts into the room. "there you are!! i knew you'd be here, hahah! anyway, i cannot BELIEVE howcutoffmachisiwithherandyukisr- elationshiblahablahaRANTRANTRA13?:[NTRANTRANT"- he found you. 

well, to be fair, he knows you come here to fall out of reality and into the world of fictional literature, he also knows you don't like to be disturbed... but that's him. random bursts of energy and he always comes to you to let it out. whether he needs to rant, ask a stupid question or just talk and talk about one of his hyperfixations, you're the one he goes to. 

you're not so upset that he disrupted your reading though, you would've preferred if he didn't but it's kakeru, so you mind somewhat less than you would've if it was the next person.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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