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[CW: Substance Abuse, PTSD-Like Flashbacks, Anxiety, Violence, Kidnapping.]


The next day, a small hand shoving your side shocked you awake. Much to your chagrin, the hand belonged to the one, and only, Five. The preteen looked beyond stressed and cranky, despite his exterior age. His academy school-boy uniform did not help his case.

"It's too early." You mumbled as you slapped his hand away.

"I see why you like Klaus so much." Five teased with a sly grin. "You're so alike."

"Fuck off brat." You countered by pulling the blankets over your head and burying yourself into the empty bed.

"You're joining me on my stake out today." He spoke from the other side of the room.

"What? Why?" Your voice is muffled from under the covers.

"I need your help." If only you could see him right now. You were sure that he was rolling his eyes. "You're the only one who understands." The last part, you barely heard. You knew damn well what he was thinking about, of course. There was no doubt that he told Vanya last night, just like the show. She definitely did not react how Five was imagining.

"Fine, fine," you groan, "give me ten."

As soon as you were awake, you slid out from the bedsheets and got dressed. Not hungry, you opt to find Five right away. It didn't take too long to find him because he was already waiting for you exactly ten minutes later. The boy had his eyes closed as he leaned back against the doorframe to Klaus' room.

"Where's Klaus?" You ask, causing him to blink before shrugging and motioning for you to follow. Happy to oblige, you find yourself climbing out from Five's bedroom window. At the bottom of the fire escape, Ben sat watching his brother dig through the trash. You can't help but frown at the sight, it was your fault that he was doing this.

"I'd ask what you're doing Klaus," Five says sarcastically as he climbs down from the ladder connecting the fire escape to the ground, "but then it occurred to me. I don't care." You only follow the time-traveler and wave to Ben.

"Hey!" Klaus calls with a smile up to Five. He then blows you a kiss from his tattooed hand as soon as he notices your presence. Klaus tilts his head in confusion as he continues. "You know there are easier ways out of the house, right buddy?"

"This one involved the least amount of talking." Five's tone is laced with annoyance as he jumps to the ground. As soon as there's room, you follow. Klaus rests his arm against the side of the garbage bin. "Or so I thought."

"You need more company today?" Klaus asks with an excited grin. In one of his hands, he held a flask, no doubt filled with some form of liquor. "I could, uh..." He pauses for a moment to take a sip. "Clear my schedule."

"Looks like you have your hands full."

"Oh this? No, no. I can do this whenever." The, most likely drunk, man attempts to stand but immediately falls backwards into the pile of trash. "I'm just. I just misplaced something, that's all." Oh no, not the garbage bagel. "Oh, found it. Thank god!" As he takes a bite, you cringe slightly. Ben only snorts from his resting spot on the side of the bin with amusement.

"I'm done funding your drug habit." Five huffs as he turns to walk away.

"Maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother?" Klaus counters to the boy, who is probably not paying attention anymore. "Not you." He quickly adds in to the side towards the ghost. If looks could kill, Ben would be setting his brother on fire. "¡Mi hermano!" In between chewing his bagel, he calls out in a different language. Spanish, maybe? You don't speak it but from context you figure that it means something like 'my brother'. "I love you, even if you can't love yourself."

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