No. 6 Chapter 2

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"So, how can I help you?" The young engineer asked while the two walked through the bunker to their workshop. "You know me. No one can help me." She joked, picking up the line the young engineer would normally say when people asked if he could be helped. "I just wanted to check on you. We were not able to talk all day." Prinz Eugen continued. "That is true. We did not even manage to say hello this morning." Agreed the young engineer. "So, how are you?" She asked again. "I am fine, as always." Smirked the young engineer. "Although I am still somewhat sad about the loss of my fathers ring." He added in the hope Prinz Eugen would get the hint. He had realized after a conversation with his neighbour that she had received some of the belongings of the young engineer when he was abducted, but she had not returned them yet. After not receiving an answer to that comment he continued on. "What about you?" He asked in return. "I am fine as well." She answered, concluding the purpose of their current conversation. Before the silence between them got uncomfortable, Prinz Eugen started another topic. "Would you like to come eat with us this evening?" She invited him. The young engineer smiled but shook his head. "Thank you for the invitation, but I would be the 5th wheel on the cart. It is better if you spend a good evening together with your sisters rather than me." He explained why he declined her offer. "I guess so." Agreed the cruiser. "You will see it will be fun spending time with family. After all you are certainly one smooth talker, making conversation and having a pleasant evening is something you can manage without any issues." He encouraged her while opening the door to their dock.

Entering the dock the mood of the young engineer changed from one of relaxed happiness to fright and anger. In the dock stood Heinrich Kaufmann who smiled at the young engineer. The latter grew pale and within the same instant reached for one of the wrenches in his trouser pockets and threw it towards the spy. Kaufmann did not even have to dodge since the young engineer's aim was off. The distraction the flying wrench caused was enough for the young engineer to spin on his heels and to rush out of the dock past Prinz Eugen.
The cruiser was surprised by the sudden action and only managed to give the young engineer a surprised look while he rushed past her.
The young engineer ran into Admiral Hippers dock and straight into Hipper herself. "Can't you watch out where you are running to!?" She yelled at him in anger. Although she stopped immediately when she saw the young engineer's expression. "What is going on?" She asked instead. "The intelligence officer just appeared in Prinz Eugens dock." The young engineer yapped. "And you are running away from him because?" She asked slightly annoyed. "Because the last time I met him I was abducted!" The young engineer snapped in a mixture of adrenaline and upcoming anger towards the spy. "Ohh that guy. Why didn't you say so in the first place, you moron. Let's go and see what he wants and make sure he leaves empty handed." Hipper declared while grabbing the young engineer's left cuff, tugging him along with her. The two walked back to Prinz Eugens dock.

Arriving there Hipper and the young engineer both saw how the intelligence officer shook Prinz Eugens hand with a smile before leaving her dock through the entrance the two just entered through. Kaufmann stopped in front of the young engineer and had an embarrassed smile on his lips. "I am sorry that you have such an adverse reaction towards me. I know why, but I hoped that you could see past that, after all it is all just business. Anyways, I do hope you will be less hostile when we meet again. Until then I wish you all the best." The spy said while putting his uniform hat on before continuing on his way out. The young engineer stared a hole into the intelligence officers' back until he vanished out of sight. "Why was that guy here Eugen?" Hipper asked her sister meanwhile. "He came here to deliver a message to our dear friend here." Prinz Eugen answered, getting the attention of the young engineer now as well. "What did he say?" The young engineer asked now. "Nothing much. Just that this letter was intended for you and that he was tasked with ensuring safe delivery of it to you." The cruiser explained. The young engineer stroked with his right hand the expression of worry off his face and walked over to Prinz Eugen. "I think I will regret it, but can I have said letter please?" He asked her. "Sure thing. How could I deny such a polite request?" She teased him while handing him a brown envelope. The young engineer examined it but found nothing on it other than his name, old rank and station. Opening the envelope the young engineer got out two white pieces of paper. The first seemed to be an official paper, while the second was a handwritten letter.

The adventures of the young engineer and Prinz Eugen Volume 2.Where stories live. Discover now