Chapter 1: The Wedding

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They were about to kiss for the first time, ever. They were extremely nervous. Especially in front of all these people watching. A nervous bead of sweat rolled down their neck and school took a shallow breath. They really had to do this.

They had just gone through their wedding vows with both of them saying 'I do' to spending the rest of their lives with each other. School was anticipating this, but one blink of the eye and the moment is bearing down upon them faster than a rollercoaster. They tried to calm their anxious nerves down, but it was no use.

'I suppose this is going to be it,' School thought to themselves, 'I am finally going to kiss her.'
School leaned in closer and made eye contact. They closed their eyes and Aurora soon followed.

School's mind went blank for a second as their lips met in a soft and gentle kiss. It was sweet but brief. School wished it lasted longer.

School opened their eyes, meeting Aurora's sharp but loving gaze. Aurora offered school a small smile, fleeting but there. The crowd offered a round of applause, with some of them straight up wolf-whistling and whooping. School swore they saw Aurora's parents sniffling.

The two walked down the steps, arm in arm, linked together as they now were. School watched from the corner of their eyes the way Aurora's dress fluttered behind her, leaving her as graceful as a swan. Their heart filled with love at the sight of it.

The newly wed couple sat down at their table, but school was barely registering any of it. Everyone was coming over to congratulate them and some of Aurora's aunts came over to ask her questions.

"When are you having kids?" one of Aurora's many aunts asked her.

"Yeah! When are you giving your mom some grandchildren?" another chimed in.

Aurora's face turned bright red. Her expression became flustered as she stuttered her response to her aunts.

'Her face is so red it looks like a rose,' school thought with fondness in their heart.

After Aurora's aunts have finished bombarding her with their many questions, they turned to her now wed partner.

"You better treat her right," One of the aunts said to them in a low threatening voice. School thought she might have added a growl at the end of that sentence and it wouldn't seem out of place.

"Auntie stop scaring them! They always treats me right," Aurora piped up from behind her rather intimidating aunt.

"Alright alright is your wedding today after all," Aurora's aunt sighed.

"But I will be keeping an eye on you, school."

School took a small step back, taken aback by this unsettling addition to the end of Aurora's aunt's sentence. She noticed and chuckled slightly. Just then, a young child, who was probably her son, ran up to her and dragged her away to a faraway table, complaining about being bored. Upon Aurora's aunt's sudden departure, Aurora stepped closer to school, placing a hand on school's arm.

"She's only joking, love," Aurora said with a reassuring squeeze to their arm.

School sighed. Their hand traced Aurora's palm for a few seconds, then flipped it over and planted a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. School felt Aurora's hand on theirs shift slightly, her slim, delicate fingers tapping school's palm gently, signalling to them.

School looked up only to be met with a kiss from their lover, sweet and full of her love for them. School gladly returned the kiss, the two passionate with their love for each other.

The two had burning, beautiful love between them, a bond that could never be broken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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