"The people you know and the people you don't."

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And so it began, countless days and nights of investigating, researching and embarassingly googling people, events, dates, tracing locations, phone numbers and countless case files from what feels like a millenium ago. Over at Skyler's crammed one bedroom condo, I felt at home and yet out of place. This feels nice. And so I say it to Skyler to which she replies the most unexpected yet strangely satisfying reply I could think of.

"Yeah it does. Now could you pass me the case file about the triple homicide? It's next to the 3rd gin bottle, the one that's half empty."

Thanks to my mom's shed, I still had my big pin board which we now use to compile information and connect them to one another. Skyler's lead on Eva was... unsuspecting to say the least: an anonymous tip to the police about a female matching her description, (apparently an attractive brunette with long, wavy black hair, I'm not jealous by the way) spotted at a strip club... armed.

"She tried to shoot up a strip club? Why would she do that?" I realise I just made a huge assumption that this is her and quickly retract my statement. "If this is her after all,"

"I have no idea. For the span of our relationship, she was always the down to earth type. Not saying of course that people who go to strip clubs aren't... but she was always into books and poetry and quiet places, the beach and that tranquil sort of environment." Skyler answers with a tone of curiosity and an underlying disappointment in her voice, like she'd be only slightly concerned if this was Eva.

"So what makes you think this is her? You said you had a ton of leads that led nowhere. Why is this the special one?" I dive right into the middle of the situation full speed.

Skyler removes the pile of papers, newspapers and pens from her lap on her bed and tip toes around the piles on the ground to get to that gin bottle, takes a swig and faces me, leaning against her spruce wooden desk, hair tamed with a clip and wearing a baggy jean button up with black shorts. I see uncertainty in her face. Like she's scared about what she's going to discover and yet a part of her wishes to know everything, every detail, every word, every movement she wants to know. I want to help her find Eva. I feel for the both of them. If this is the last thing I do, I'll find Eva. This was the thing I was most sure of in a while. But what she said next completely stumped me.

"Because she lies,"

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