Poggibonsi - pitching the deal

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Chapter 1


My four year old daughter’s face appeared behind me in the mirror. I set down my electric shaver and turned around. “Yes, sweetie?”

The morning light of the streaming through the master bathroom window and made her blue eyes look even bigger and bluer than usual, but she looked slightly contemplative.

“The place we might be going… um…”


“Idally.” She pulled at the hem of her pajama top. “Will we be there all day?”

 “Yep.” I leaned against the counter top and smiled. “If we get to go, we’re going to be there all day for a lot of days.”


She sprinted out of the room, headed for the stairs and Spongebob on TV in the living room.

Mattie strolled in, sporting a fluffy robe and a towel on her head. “Which one of us is taking her to school today? My calendar says it’s you.”

I kissed my wife. “Nope. I have my big meeting today. It’s you. I sent you a reschedule notice.”

“Shit. I’m already going to be late for work.” She sighed. “Is Sienna getting excited about maybe going on a trip?”

“I’m not sure she fully gets it yet, so it’s hard to say.” I looked Mattie  up and down. She always looked sexy right after a shower, even in a plain white robe.  “Speaking of hard…”

“No time for that. I told you, I’m already late.” She pulled the wrap from her head and let her blonde hair fall around her shoulders. “I showed Sienna where Italy was on the computer just now, and where it was in comparison to our house. She seemed to understand.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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