Whatever You Want to do is All Right With Me

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It really shouldn't have been surprising to anyone when we showed up at the station the next morning with identical gold rings. Our friends, well aware of our relationship being anything but traditional, are nonetheless shocked to see the rings.

Eloping just made sense for us. All we had to do was head over to the courthouse, sign some papers, recite some words, and boom! Married.

We didn't have a ton of time to plan extravagant parties due to the rebranding and rebuilding of the Ghostbusters name. The time we did take for ourselves was spent in much more... well, intimate ways. And really, who wanted to spend time planning weddings with their brain-numbing formalities and expenses?

All we knew was that we wanted to be married, and eloping was the easiest route. Really though, our wedding and marriage were our own private matter that didn't need the fuss that friends and relatives would bring to the day.

So when we woke up yesterday morning, a beautiful Sunday morning, and Egon suggested over breakfast that today would be an ideal day for a wedding, partly cloudy and seventy degrees, I eagerly agreed.

He had been right; it had turned out to be a perfect day for a wedding. Dressed in my grandmother's pearls and an off-white dress, I happily married the man I loved exactly how I wanted to with the rest of the day spent blissfully alone.

Ray reacted the poorest of our friends to both the lack of festivity and much more, the lack of invitation extended to the group.

"You could've asked me to be a witness," he pouts after I've explained in great detail how Egon and I had decided to elope to escape pressures just like this.

Egon's eyes dart to me. He clearly doesn't want to be the one to explain why we had chosen our two witnesses over any of the guys. Leaving me the dirty work, are we?

"Ray, we just-- we didn't really plan this. It just sort of happened."

"But you asked Janine to be a witness!" A frown overcomes his face.

My mouth feels dry as I glance towards Egon. This would be a fantastic time to interject, sweetie...

Okay, he sort of has a point. Who knows, it may have been easier to have just asked Ray. We, or more appropriately I, would've escaped this encounter. "It's nothing against you. Janine is just more... discreet."

"I can be discreet!"

"Clearly by the yelling, you're convincing her, Ray." Winston chuckles from where he's leaning on Peter's desk.

Ray raises his hands in mock surrender, "Sorry, sorry. I just expected the two of you to invite all of us if you planned on tying the knot."

"Well, maybe we could--" I look at Egon, who doesn't supply me with any ideas to soothe the unintentional burn, "--throw a party?"

"Yes, we could have a dinner party at our apartment." Finally, Egon chimes in. Convenient.

"Yes, I could throw together something quickly--"

"C'mon (y/n)! A dinner party? Weddings are about drinking and dancing." Peter interjects, putting his arm around my shoulder in an awkward half-hug.

"Are they, though?" I raise my eyebrows at my friend.

He shrugs, "sort of. That's why I go."

"We skipped the whole 'large wedding' thing to save money. If you want a party that doesn't have anything to do with my wedding, then you foot the bill. We'd enthusiastically attend, Peter."

"Completely made for one another," Peter mutters, walking back towards his desk.

I roll my eyes before I step closer to my husband, who has continued to be fairly quiet during the entire conversation. He places his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.

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