"You b*tch! Dont kill me" chapter 1

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You were in your room playing mc bedwars on twitch stream,when you hear your dad scream your name multiple times,guessing he was drunk again since he never needs you unless, you need to clean up or go to the store.
You say bye to your stream as you hear your dad scream/shout your name more. You press end stream,or at-least you thought you did(btw you never showed your face before,cause you want ppl to love you for how you act/personality and your gaming skills not how you look.
Tw here:somewhat body shaming

And you also did not like how your looked,your face your body since you think you look fat)

Tw ended

You start walking down the stairs. "Yes dad?!!" You slightly scream out. "Nevermind,but still come here you mistake!" Your dad says. "I- Ok!" You say,you act like you dont care what he calls you like,mistake and stuff like that but you do,you just act like you dont cause he will make more names for you. You come down to where he is.
Tw starts here:abuse

Your dad pushes you to the wall and hits your eye a few times,giving you a black eye.
Tw ends.

You run away from his grip and run back to your room. You sit on you chair where you monitors are at,and you just noticed that you hadn't ended your stream,and dream joined your vc and stream a long time ago to try to tell you didnt stop streaming. You gasp and say "I-Im so sorry chat! But uhm bye chat!" You say as you end your stream this time. "Uhm I heard everything do you wanna talk? If not its fine,you could always talk about later,or never." He says,laughing at the 'or never' part. "I-i might talk about it later when ever im comfortable" I say. "Oh okay,but anways im about to do a manhunt video with sapnap and george,wanna join in? I did need 1 more person and everybody else said no or their busy." Dream says. "Sure,ill join! Ive wanted to be in your manhunts for a while,but first go out to your window,im definitely not starting at you,since you left your blinds open" (btw you and dream live close by so you and him usually go out of your window and dream comes over to your house,btw the houses are very close.) "W-WHAT,YOU BITCH!!" Dream screams through the call. He mutes as he starts to climb out his window. You mute your mic too. You see dream on your roof telling you to open up the window,so you as he says and you open it. "Hey dream~~" You say. "Ugh,Shut up pretty lady...I mean..." he says turning red from embarrassment,not meaning to say that about you,not saying your not pretty he just didnt mean to say it like that.
"Oooh,you think im pretty?" You say starting to get self conscious about yourself. Dream dosent respond for a bit and just ignores your question. "Anyways get back your laptop thingy so we can start the manhunt" Dream says. "Alrighty sir!" You say climbing back to your window,dream doing the same thing. You get on mc and join in. You start chasing after dream not letting him get wood,you and sapnap chases him while george gets some wood. "Oh dream~~ im gonna kil you already!"

Time skip to the middle of the manhunt so far its lasted 1 and a half hours.

"Oi dum dum im behind you~ Y/n~~" dream says getting about you down to 3 and a half hearts,so you tower up so you can eat. "IM NOT A DUM DUM,AND GO EASY ON ME!" You say. "Well you arent going easy on me so i wont either" dream says

Sorry but another time skip to the end of the manhunt.

You ended up killing dream with lava in the end. "UGH WHY DID YOU KILL ME LIKE THAT? I used my water bucket to mlg and i forgot to take it back ugh!" Dream says. "Heh I dont why i did." You say wheezing like dream.  Dream ends his video after 10 minutes of talking. And they both end up going to sleep at 11:20 cause they both have highschool and they go to the same one. And dream drives you there cause your mum nor dad took you to get you driver's license.

I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE LAST WEEK! Sorry i had to do it. Oliva rodgrio reference

Also tbh(to be continued)
Words: 793

"Oi you dum dum! Im behind you~ oh Y/n~" a dream x reader fanfic Where stories live. Discover now