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There was once a magical harmonious land called Equestria....once.War was brewing yet again between the Pegasi,Unicorns and Earth Ponies of this land.They fought many a year,and coming upon the final battle now known as "The Battle of Everfree" ,the 3 tribes had all forfieted,in fear of losing more lives then they already had.The generals and thier companions,Sky High and Cloudstorm from the Pegasi,Clover and Petal Song from the unicorns,and finally Windy and Dandelion from the Earth Ponies,had a huge meeting about what should happen next for Equestria.They had all decided that since thier alicorn rulers,and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were never found after the Great War ended,they took it upon themselves to try to form a new Equestria.They decided they would separate the land into Districts,according to race.There were six made,the first and second for the unicorns,third and fourth for the Pegasi,so on and so forth.The generals themselves,and other leaders decided to make thier own type of district,and make it the center of this new Equestria.They called it "The Capital".
For a short five years,they lived in harmony.Ponies started rebelling among themselves,Districts fighting Districts.The leaders were outraged with this,and decided that punishment should be made.They formed the "Pony Games"where a pony from each District would compete against the others,but they didn't want to make this an ordinary competition.They made it a battle to the death.The way to win the games was to kill every other pony in the arena.The land was satisfied with this,and has lived mostly in peace ever since.We now come upon the 20th Pony Games,and everything is about to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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