ano novo

92 3 14

if ur kariri, stay to the end hehehe
if ur not...

enjoy it too~

🌼 🐻 🌼

Johnny tried his best to dodge the bodies that scattered around the slightly too tight hall for the amount of people in it. The house was full and, principally for someone used to spending the new year alone, there wasn't enough seats on the tables and couches all around the salon so, besides the small children that ran past the plastic tables and chairs, following the chubby Bulldogs with little hands waiting to give a pet, the adults grouped up around the grill and TV, holding plastic cups and skewers while dancing slightly to the cheesy new year special from a guy everyone seemed to knew.

They stayed a couple hours at the hotel, but, still, he felt like he could sleep at any moment, feeling his body twice as heavy as it was on that morning, although he already had drunk some good full cups of coffee. The eight hours of flight didn't help him to feel more in place with all of those people, which none of them he knew, neither could understand what they were saying.

Not that it wasn't welcoming, far from that, when he entered, everyone got out of their way to greet them, hugging, giving kisses on the cheek and even trying to talk to him, although in Portuguese. The smell of food was good too, some big plates decorated the wooden table next to the grill, filled with pretty foods, while an old man organized cheese, chicken, sausages and meat in sticks, distributing them in a tray, together with some steaks, everything looked so delicious.

He would've get one of the meat sticks if Taeil didn't grab his wrist and dragged him through the mounts and mounts of people without saying a word.

"You're gonna like them!" Screamed through the loud noise, turning back to him just for some seconds, but enough for Johnny to see that shiny, bubbly smile.

"Who?" Asked confused, although not been able to hold the smile that rised on his lips.

He didn't answer, just rushed a little more, passing through the back door and getting to a little yard.

Some Christmas decorations still scattered around the grass, reindeers made with fairy lights shined in between the pretty flowers that surrounded the short, concrete wall in the back. It wasn't a very spacious place, being squished between the two tall walls from the houses besides them, it wasn't very fancy, just the backyard of a two story orange house, the family home, some of the bricks showed through the grey concrete that covered the neighbor's walls, one of the windows was cracked, the LEDs that rolled up on the few threes were pretty cheesy and the stone covered floor sting against his old converses, but it was charming in it's way.

The view of the city was astonishing, all of the brick houses, metal roofs and colorful walls following the flow of the hills like waves in a paralyzed sea under the slightly light sky that peeked between the clouds in a purplish tone, still stained from the orange from the sun. It was beautiful.

"And this is my part of the family!" Exclaimed, now lower in tone because of the calming aura of the place, but still as bubbly as he used to be, getting closer to the hookah on the corner of the yard, completing after some Portuguese mumbles he assumed were introductions: "but not everyone here is important here, just these two distinguished ladies~"

"Sit anjo, sit aqui!" Said an older lady, pointing at a wooden chair right beside her with a sweet familiar smile on her face. "Vai, Theus, pega um banquinho 'pra você lá, vai!"

She was probably smaller than Taeil, sitting up in a plastic chair with an elegant pose, crossed legs and arms, dressed in a light blue dress that ran down till her ankles and, although she looked pretty young, her hair had a tone between grey and white. Johnny didn't fail to notice the heavy looking boots that contrasted to the shiny, fine, jewelry that she wore, making her even more stylish.

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