8 months later {18}

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In those 8 months the couple just stayed home cuddling but some times jungkook has to leave to finish up his company and other stuff in preparation on opening the company so tae comes over when jk is out

Taehyung pov
" hey minie how you feeling' i asked " i feel wasted like i cant do anything just stay one place" he answered " it's ok chim your due date is just around the corner it will all be over in a few days" i said caring his head " hey what you think its going to be" i asked smiling.

" i don't know but i want it to be a boy and jk what's it to be a girl" he answered all giggly " jungkook wants a girl? Wow thats suprising " i answered with a shocked face " yeah i was kinda surprised to but it's ok a girl would be nice" he said.

Jimin pov
After some time talking to tae about what am gonna have, i felt a drop in my stomach ( is that even a thing) " ouch" i said holding my tummy " whats wrong jimin? Are you okay?" Tae asked looking at me worriedly " yeah but i felt a drop in my tummy..... do you think it's ready to come out tae?" I asked

"Maybe..... because your due date is on the 8th of September and its the 6th" he said " omg i can't wait to meet him/ her" i said " i know me to chim" tae answered

Jungkook pov
" am home" i shouted " ok ok big monster no need to shout" tae said i just made an o face because i thought they were in the room " so how was your day baby" i said pecking his lips, he giggled " it was ok kookie" he answered " although my tummy was hurting a little " he said pouting " is everything ok now " i asked a little tense waiting for the answer

" its ok kookie tae said its because my due is coming" he answered ( aww so cutee🥺)

Arthur pov
After talking jungkook made dinner for the three of them they ate and talked a little more then tae went home. Now after the shower the couple are now on their bed.

Jimin pov
" kookie what will we name him if its a boy" i asked randomly " hmm.. mabye jungmin" ( idk i see this name everywhere so why not use it) " yeah that's nice" i said " so what if it's a girl"? " uh.... what about minjun" ( its everywhere so why not) " ok so jungmin and minjun it is " i said " the names areee really cute " jungkook said " yeah it is " i answered " night kookie" i saud facing him " night love" he said kissing my lips befor dosing off.

Thank you so much for 400 views 🥳😭💜😘😘 am so grateful u love youll😍

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