Chapter 7: Tropical Soda Islands, Battle Begin! Part 1

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Omigawd TYSM💖💖💖💞💞💞✨✨✨

Really really glad you're all liking this story so far ✨✨✨

Christmas break for me is coming soon so maybe if I'm not REALLY busy, I'd be able to update this book faster✨

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Happy reading! ✨✨✨

Heads-up: This chapter may include some Sparkling x Herb


Gingerbrave was skipping down the Jellystone paths of the kingdom, having woken up earlier than expected.

It was his day off after all, he should enjoy the morning, basking in the warm sun while it lasts.

He was about to make his way to one of the Churro swings on the playground when someone called out to him from the near distance to his left.

"Gingerbrave! Over here!"

"Oh! Good morning Mango Cookie!" Gingerbrave waved to the older cookie, as the latter approached him.

"Good morning to you too!" Mango returned the gesture. Stopping for a quick moment to catch his breath before speaking again. "So umm, we may have a big problem occuring back at the Tropical Soda Islands and I'm going to need some extra help."

Gingerbrave's eyes widened a bit, yet this wasn't much of a big surprise to him. "What happened Mango Cookie?" The boy asked.

"Well, let's say that the Durianeers may have sneaked passed their way into the 5th Rainbow Soda Islands and cracked the bottle, we're going to be needing a repair crew and some back-up defense." Mango explained.

Repairing the broken soda bottle on the 5th island will be a challenge. The Last broke bottle was on the 2nd island, it took awhile for the repair team to get there, plus the fact the Durianeers were also attacking their ships.

Mango wasn't present at that time, for Princess Cookie had sent him out on a 6 day Balloon Expedition with a team of Magic Skilled cookies. The bottle was full on demolished, so it took about 3 weeks to fully repair the thing.

"Okay, I'll send you a team as soon as I can. The Tropical Soda Islands should be durian free by sundown!" Gingerbrave said.

"Thank you. Oh and, sorry for disturbing your morning!" Mango apologized.

"You don't need to apologize! It's fine really! I'm used to this already!" Gingerbrave flashed a bright smile.

A cold breeze whizzed past the two cookies, sending a chill on one or both cookie's dough.

"It's Autumn already?" Gingerbrave looked to where the breeze came from. Seeing as the trees were gaining a green to brown gradient, Summer was over.

"I wonder what the kingdom would look like in snow, considering this is gonna be our first winter right?" Mango said, Gingerbrave nodded.

The two kids said their goodbyes as they part ways. Mango going back to the docks, and Gingerbrave going straight to the swings.

‘Guess I'll have to work today. Only for a bit.’ The brave cookie quietly thought as he sat on one of the Churro Swings, pondering to himself on which cookies would be fit for the job and whom he'd send off.

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